couragement of Anne Catharine Green, in the City of Annapolis,
Printer, severally indorsed: "By the Upper House of Assembly,
December 17, 1773: Read the First and Second Time by an especial
Order and will pass.
Signed by Order, U. SCOTT, Cl. Up. Ho."
Which were severally read here and passed for ingrossing. And a
Petition of Samuel Dorsey, of Anne-Arundel County.
On Motion, ORDERED, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for
the Repair of the Paper Currency Office, and that Mr. Chase and
Mr. John Hall do prepare and bring in the same.
Mr. Chase brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker the said Bill,
which was read the First and Second Time by an especial Order
and will pass.
Daniel Dulany, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker the Bill, entitled, An Act to render the Recovery of the
Penalty for selling Liquor without Licence more certain, thus in-
dorsed: "By the Upper House of Assembly, December 16, 1773:
Read the First Time and ordered to lie on the Table.
Signed by Order, U. SCOTT, Cl. Up. Ho.
By the Upper House of Assembly, December 17, 1773: Read the
Second Time and will pass.
Signed by Order, U. SCOTT Cl. Up. Ho."
Which was read here and passed for ingrossing.
The Bill, entitled, An Act for raising and applying Money towards
erecting and maintaining a Light House on Cape Henry, was read
the Second Time and will pass, and was with the Bill for the Repair
of the Paper Currency Office sent to the Upper House by Mr. Sim
and Mr. Richardson.
The House adjourns till 3 o'Clock.
The House met.
On Motion, RESOLVED, That Mr. William Buckland, be allowed
on the Journal of Accounts, the Sum of Twenty-five Pounds Cur-
rency, for his Expences and Services relative to the public Building
in this City.
George Steuart and Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, Esquires, from
the Upper House, acquaint Mr. Speaker that the Governor requires
the Attendance of the Members of this House immediately in the
Upper House, to see the Seals put to some Laws. Mr. Speaker
left the Chair, and, attended by the Members of the Lower House,
went to the Upper House, and there presented to the Governor the
following ingrossed Bills, vis. No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14,
Votes and
of the Lower
printed by
A. C. Green
Dec. 17