Votes and
of the Lower
printed by
A. C. Green
Dec. 16
That Mr. Johnson, Mr. Paca, Mr. Chase, and Mr. J. Hall, do pre-
pare and bring in the same.
The House adjourns till 3 o'Clock,
The House met.
Mr. Chase brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker a Bill, entitled,
An Act to render the Recovery of the Penalty for selling Liquor
without Licence more certain, which was read the First and Second
Time by an especial Order, passed, and sent to the Upper House,
with the Bill, entitled, An Act for the Support of the Clergy of the
Church of England in this Province, and the ingrossed Bill No. 18,
with the Paper Bill thereof, by Mr. Smallwood and Mr. Chamber-
The Order of the Day for taking into Consideration the Petition
of Gilbert Falconar being read, the same is referred for Considera-
tion on the Second Friday in the next Session of Assembly.
Mr. Beall, Mr. Ringgold, and Mr. Maxwell, have Leave of Ab-
George Steuart, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker the Paper Bill No. 18, thus indorsed: "By the Upper House
of Assembly, December 16, 1773: The ingrossed Bill whereof this
is the Original, read and assented to.
Signed by Order, U. SCOTT, Cl. Up. Ho."
p. 74
Mr. Johnson brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker an Address
to his Excellency, which was read, approved, and ordered to be
The Bill, entitled, An Act for an Addition to Baltimore-Town in
Baltimore County, was read the Second Time by an especial Order
and will pass.
Mr. Beall brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker a Bill, entitled,
An Act for the speedy Publication of the Laws of this Province,
and for the Encouragement of Anne Catharine Green, of the City of
Annapolis, Printer, which was read the First Time and ordered to
lie on the Table.
The Bill, entitled, An Act confirming the Title of William Ven-
ables to the Lands therein mentioned, was read the Second Time
and will pass.
Mr. Paca brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker the following
ingrossed Address.
To his EXCELLENCY ROBERT EDEN, Esquire, Governor
and Commander in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland.
The humble ADDRESS of the House of DELEGATES.