L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Oct. 10
that my Compliance with the said Order would be repugnant to
the Nature and Duty of my Office, so I hope I shall be excused
in not executing the Direction
I am Gentlemen with great Respect
Y.r Mo. Humble Servant
U Scott
To the Committee of Aggrievances
and Courts of Justice.
p. 205
Ordered, That they be read; and they were severally read ac-
On Motion, the Question was put that the Subject Matter of the
said Report be taken into Consideration on Thursday the 17.th
Resolved in the Affirmative
On Motion, Ordered That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for
amending the Staple of Tobacco for preventing Frauds in his
Majesty's Customs and for the Limitation of Officers Fees: And
that M.r Hall, M.r Handy, M.r Allen, M.r Hammond, M.r Steele,
M.r Dennis, M.r Grahame, M.r Johnson, M.r Tilghman, M.r Paca,
M.r Chase, M.r Jordan, M.r Tyler, and M.r So Wright do prepare
and bring in the same.
On Motion, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for
the Tryal of all Matters of Fact in the several Counties where they
have arisen or shall arise: And that M.r Tilghman, M.r Ennalls, M.r
T. Wright, M.r Dennis, M.r Allen and M.r Paca do prepare and
bring in the same.
The House appoints M.r James Hackman and M.r John Courts
Jones Committee Clerks.
Ordered, That they be qualified.
Daniel of Saint Thomas Jenifer Esq.r from the Upper House
delivers to M.r Speaker a Petition of the Rector Vestrymen, Free-
holders and Parishioners of Prince George's Parish lying in Fred-
erick and Prince George's Counties; praying that an Act may pass
to impower the Magistrates of said Counties to levy on the taxable
Inhabitants of the said Parish the Quantity of ninety six thousand
Pounds of Tobacco for building a new Church at the Place where
the old one now stands. Which was read a first and second Time
and Leave given to bring in a Bill pursuant to the Prayer of the said
Ordered, That M.r Luckett, M.r Wootton, M.r Beatty, M.r Beall,
M.r Tyler, M.r Contee and M.r Sim do prepare and bring in the same.
Also a Petition of the Vestrymen and Church Wardens of Saint
Luke's Parish in Queen Ann's County praying that a Law may pass
impowering the Vestry and Church Wardens of the said Parish