the Bar presented to the House agreeable to the Order of Saturday
last the Polls taken at the last Election of Delegates for that County
by which it appealed that Samuel Owings, jun.r, John Moale,
George Risteau and Thomas Cockey Deye were duly elected Dele-
gates for that County. He also produced Indentures taken at the
said Election for the said Gentlemen signed by the Sheriff and
Electors of that County.
Ordered, That the said Sheriff amend the Return of the Delegates
for Baltimore County by taking off the Indenture containing the
Names of those Gentlemen annexed to the Writ of Election and
annexing instead thereof the several Indentures taken for those
Gentlemen. Which he did at the Table and then was ordered to
Ordered, That the Sheriff of Baltimore County be admonished
by the Speaker for his Neglect of Duty in not making a proper
Return; and that he be discharged upon Payment of the ffees arising
due to the several Officers of this House upon the said Order of
Saturday last
Ordered, That M.r Beall, M.r Tilghman and M.r Chase be a Com-
mittee to tax the Fees arising due upon the Order of Saturday last
M.r Beall from the Said Committee brings in and delivers to M.r
Speaker the following Report
By the Committee appointed to tax the Fees arising due upon the
Order of Saturday last in Relation to the Sheriff of Baltimore
October 1771
Your Committee in Obedience to the Order of the Honourable
House have proceeded to tax the several Fees arising due on the
above Order as follows
To the Clerk for Copy of the same Order...... £0.. 3.. 0
To the Serjeant for Expence of a Messenger to
Baltimore County and serving the said Order 3..18..11
on the Sheriff..........................
£4.. 1...11
Which is submitted to the Consideration of the Honble House.
Signed by Order. Tho.s B. Hodgkin Cl.
The Sheriff of Baltimore County was again called in and ad-
monished by M.r Speaker agreeable to the above Order and then
M.r Speaker laid before the House two Letters from M.r Robert
Buchanan a Delegate for Kent County desiring the House to excuse
him from Attendance on Account of the Indisposition of his Family.