Ordered That M.r Chase, M.r Handy and M.r N. Thomas be a
Committee to enquire what Laws will expire with the Close of
this Session and make Report thereof to the House.
M.r Speaker reports to the House the following Certificate Vizt
Ann Arundel County S.ct
I hereby certify that on the 4.th Day of October 1771 came
Saint George Peale before me the Subscriber one of the Justices
of the Peace of the said County & took the several Oaths to the
Government required by Law and took the following Oath Vizt
"I Saint George Peale do swear that I will true Entries make of
all such Matters and Things as shall be to me directed by any
Committee of the Lower House of Assembly for whom I shall
act as Clerk, and that I will not divulge the Secrets of the said
House or of any Committee thereof; but will in all Things well
and truly demean myself according to the best of my Skill &
R Ghiselin
Daniel Dulany Esq from the Upper House delivers to M.r
Speaker the following Message
By the Upper House of Assembly October 3.d 1771
This House hath appointed Benedict Calvert and Walter Dulany
Esquires to join the Members named by your House in a Com-
mittee to inspect the Office and Proceedings of the Commissioners
ful emitting Bills of Credit
Signed by Order UScott Cl. Up. Ho.
Walter Dulany Esq from the Upper House delivers to M.r Speaker
three Journals of Accounts marked 1768, 1769, 1770.