Prisoners in the several goals,
Act for the relief of, xxxix,
27, 29-30, 32, 73, 140, 151,
157, 166-167, 235, 272-277
(text), 328, 331, 333, 379,
380, 387, 388, 389, 406-410
(text); sec also Languish-
ing prisoners.
Prisoners, Sale of, for payment
of debts, 29, 409; see also
Procedendo, Award of, in small
cases, 298.
Proclamations, Constitutionality
of, as basis for fees, ix, 114,
192, 199, 2238., 388.
Proprietary, Control of, over
Land Office, xxv, 223, 231;
Death of, xi, xvii, xxvi, 310,
335, 342, 354-355; Instruc-
tions of, to Governor, 225-
226; Ordinance power of,
Limitations on, 197; Proc-
lamation of, on Land Office
fees, Nov. 24, 1770, ix, xxiii,
xxxi, 111, 114, 192, 388;
Right of, to 12p. per hogs-
head on all tobacco ex-
ported, 81-82.
Rights of, under the Charter,
Protestant purchasers, see Pur-
chasers, Protestant.
Protestants, see also Naturalized
Protestants; Purchasers,
Province, Attorney General of,
charter of, Reading of, 114.
Secretary of, Fees of, xxx, 52,
60, 61, 165, 361; Issuance
of writs of election by,
79, 103; Records of office
of, 161, 162; see also Du-
lany, Daniel.
Public, Claims against, see Ac-
counts, Journal of.
Public letters, 233.
Public offices, records in, Con-
dition of, 162, 359, 387.
Pump belonging to Thomas
Jones, 435.
Purchasers, Protestant, Security
of, Act for, xxxv, 29, 135,
160, 161, 170.
Purlviance, see Purviance.
Purnall, see Purnell.
Purnell (Purnall), William
(Worcester County), xviii,
318, 349, 368, 388, 389;
votes, 352, 353, 365, 366,
37r, 372, 379, 382.
Purviance [Samuel?], 428, 434.
Quakers, Rejection of petition
of, 20.
Quarantine, performance of, by
infected vessels, Act to
oblige, 351, 396.
Queen Anne Parish, Prince
George's County, Act for
building a parish church in,
Act supplementary to,
xxxvii, 14, 23, 71, 108, 117,
119, 120, 146, 234, 240-241
Queen Anne's County, Dele-
gates of, xiv, xvii, 6, 75, 79,
88, 312, 334, 342, 345, 368.
[Jail] Goal of, 10, 17, 25.
Queen Caroline Parish, 326, 376.
Queensberry, Duke of, 423.
Quigley, Patrick, 319, 406.
Quynn (Lynn), Allen, 326, 375;
see also Harwood, Thomas,
et als.; Serjeant at arms of
the Lower House, xxi, 78,
91, loi, 337, 340-34L
Randall, Christopher, 248.
Randolph, Peyton, of Virginia,
Rapier's Point, St. Mary's
County, Petition for tobacco
warehouse at, 328, 380; see
also St. Clement's Bay.
Recognizance of bail, Form of,
Recording, Fees for, 52, 57, 61,
63, 202.
Records, Non-limitation of, to
record books, 63-64, 202.
County, Act to remedy defects
in, 19.
Redstone Settlements, out of this
Province, 364.
Reeder, John, Jr. (St. M.), xiii,
75, 88, 127, 128, 139, 159,
326, 368-9, 375; votes, 87,
93, 108, 123, 128, 141, 142,
146, 154, 158, 378, 382.
Thomas, 104.
Thomas, junior, of Charles
County, 17.
Remonstrance of the Anne
Arundel County justices,
117, 124-125.
Replevin, writs of, Act for
issuing, out of the county
courts, xxxv, 13, 31, 70, 100,
106, 116.
Residence, Requirement of, for
beneficed ministers, 291.
Revenue Office, 5, 86.
Reynolds, Robert, Door keeper
of the Lower House, xxi, 78,
337, 34L
William, 326, 375; see also
Harwood, Thomas, et als.
Rhode Island, House of Depu-
ties of, Speaker of, Letter
from, 345, 385.
Richards, Stephen, 320, 406.
Richardson, Joseph (Dorches-
ter), xiv, 75, 88, 149, 169,
174, 368, 389; on Comm. to
enquire into Dickinson peti-
tion, 143; sent by the Lower
House, 28, 160; votes, 87,
93, 108, 114, 123, 128, 132,
136, 137, 141, 142, 146, 154,
158, 159, 169.
William (Dorchester), xiv,
xvii, 75, 89, 112, 115, 125,
149; 174, 178, 334, 361; on
Comm. of accounts, 82, 339;
on Comm. to enquire into
Dickinson petition, 143;
on Comm. to treat with
Frazier, about house for
Assembly meetings, 210;
sent by the Lower House,
26, 70, 156, 218, 311, 313,
340, 345; votes, 93, 108, 115,
128, 132, 136, 137, 141, 142,
146, 154, 158, 159, 169, 183,
184, 187, 190, 200, 210, 346,
348, 352, 366, 371, 372, 379,
Ridgate, see Barnes.
Ridgely, Charles (Baltimore
County), xvii, 334, 347, 357,
358, 367, 368, 372, 376; on
Comm. to enquire into Hen-
dricks petition, 378; on
Comm. to inspect the public
offices, 339; sent by the
Lower House, 317, 321, 324,
347, 359, 372; votes, 347,
352, 353, 365, 366, 371, 372,
378, 382.
Elizabeth, dau. of Nich. G. &
Jane, 288.
Jane, Mrs. N. G., of Anne
Arundel County, extrx., 25,
40, 73, 152, 182; Act to
empower, to make convey-
ances, 182, 191, 192, 213,
236, 287-289 (text).
Nicholas Greenberry, de-
ceased, 40, 73, 152, 287, 288,
Ridout, John (U. H.), xiii, 19,
20, 21, 34, 41, 309, 318, 325;
on Comm. to confer on act
for amending the staple of
tobacco, xxviii, 20, 42, 140;
sent by the Upper House,
20, 27, 30, 32, 37, 70, 71, 139,
157, 173, 186, 189, 218, 321,
322, 325, 328, 332, 361, 363,
366, 373, 38o, 388.
Rigbie, Nathan, 13.
Rights of Englishmen, Insistence
on, 197.
Riley, Elihu S., x.
Ringgold, Thomas (Kent
County), xiv, 89.
William (Kent County), xiv,
xvii, 36, 182, 334, 345, 347,
351, 368, 384; on Comm. to
inspect the public offices,
339; sent by the Lower
House, 311, 340, votes, 183,
184, 190, 200, 210, 352, 365,
366, 371, 372, 379.