Finley, Joseph, 319, 406.
Firewood, measure of, Regula-
tion of, see Baltimore Town,
Flour, staves.
"First Citizen" (Charles Car-
roll of Carrollton), x.
Fish, Cleaning of, 112.
Fish, Preservation of the breed
of, Act to continue, xxxvi,
13, 23, 71, 102, 109, 116,
117, 146, 234, 241-242
Fisher, James, 14.
Fitzhugh, William (U. H.), xiii,
9, 14, 17, 21, 30, 33, 309,
318; sent by the Upper
House, 10, 15, 18, 22, 25,
102, 122, 135, 136, 147, 155,
309, 335, 357.
Fitzsimmons, James, 319, 376.
Fleetwood, Bishop (6o years
before Blackstone), 63.
Flax-seed, measure of, Regula-
tion of, see Baltimore Town,
Flour, staves.
Flour, Grades of, 252, 263, 265.
Inspectors of, 26-27, 173, 251,
262, 268, 271.
Flour, see also Baltimore Town,
Flour; George Town, Flour.
Floyd, Joseph, 321, 362, 406.
Force, Peter, xl.
Foreign coins, Regulation of,
1755, 237.
Fornication and adultery, Act
directing the manner of
punishing, xxxv, 186, 213,
Act supplementary to, 161.
Fort Stanwix [Treaty of], 210-
Forty per poll, 62, 101; see also
Thirty per poll; Clergy,
Fees of.
Four pence sterling, see To-
bacco, Tax on.
Foy's Landing, on Susquehanna
River, 13, 14.
"Frankford", Baltimore County,
170, 284, 286.
Frauds in His Majesty's cus-
toms, act for preventing, see
Tobacco, staple of, Act for
Frazier, George, deceased, 188.
Mr. Joshua, Landlord to the
Assembly, 210, 215-216, 335.
F. Thos., 172, 285.
Frederick County, Court of, Act
to adjourn and continue,
xxxvii, 33, 73, 174, 175-176,
177, 235, 279-280 (text).
Delegates of, xv-xvi, 33, 76,
89, 334, 369.
Freeholders and free voters,
Petition of, 174, 177.
[Jail] Goal of, 10, 17, 320, 373.
Justices of, 11, 23, 71, 98, 105,
234, 239, 259, 401, 403.
Poor in, Act for the relief of,
xxxvii, xxxviii, 327-328,
330, 332, 378, 379, 384, 389,
401-402 (text).
Poor relief in, xxxvii, 259;
see also Poor relief of, Ad-
ditional ..... act for.
Road repair, petition for, 319.
Sheriff of, 94, 176, 177.
Special election in, 94, 174,
Trustees of the poor, Petition
of, 134, 144, 319, 355, 362,
401, 402.
Wolves in, Act for destroying,
350, 395-
Freehold, Challenge of juror for
want of, 295, 296.
Frissler, Michael, 272; see also
Gaddes, James, Deposition of, 1,
Gaither, Ann [Anne], 22, 25,
30, 105, 116, 160, 168, 235,
260; Act for the relief of,
105, 116; see also Mills,
Samuel, 260.
Gale, Levin (Somerset County),
xiv, xviii, 14, 89, 120, 128,
148, 189, 191, 368; votes,
123, 128, 132, 136, 137, 141,
147, 154, 158, 159, 169, 183,
184, 187.
Gardner, Benjamin, 320.
Geese, see Swine.
George, Joshua, Lower House,
1745, 179.
Sidney, 207.
George Town, Frederick L,ounty,
Flour, unmerchantable, Act
to prevent exportation of,
xxxviii, 20, 21, 22, 28, 72,
104, 138, 139, 148, 159, 234,
251-255 (text).
Swine and geese, raising of,
Act to prohibit, xxxviii, 24,
27, 72, 144, 146, 151, 157,
. 159, 234, 250 (text).
Ghiselin, Reverdy, Clerk of the
Provincial Court, and Sec-
retary's office, xxxi-xxxii,
359, 36o, 387-388; J. p.
Anne Arundel County, 434.
Giles, Nathaniel, 12, 13, 20, 140.
Gill, Jonathan, 320, 406.
Gilpin, Joseph (Cecil County),
xviii, 3, 17, 347, 358, 364,
369; sent by the Lower
House, 324, 370; votes, 349,
352, 365, 371, 372, 379, 382.
Gist, Mordecai, In Baltimore
mob, 435.
Gold and silver. Regulation of,
43, 44, 145, 146, 153.
Goldsborough, John, of Dor-
chester County, 20, 149.
Goldsborough, Nicholas, Lower
House, 1745, 179.
Goldsborough, Robert, of Dor-
chester County, 20, 149.
Goldsmith, William, Acting
Serjeant at arms, xxi, 91,
Gosnell, Samuel, 319, 406.
Gostwick (Gostnick), Aquila,
10, 272.
Governor, 1; Address of, to the
Assembly, x, 3-4, 74, 76-
77, 83, 94, 236-237, 310, 333,
335-336, 390; Message of,
to the Lower House, 4, 77,
78, 88, 107, 125-127, 210,
219-233, 236-237, 310, 336,
346, 355, 356, 361; Publi-
cation of, xxv, 233; Mes-
sage of, to the Upper House,
6, 19-20, 46, 47, 318; Proc-
lamation of, as basis for fees,
Nov. 26, 1770, ix, x, xi,
xxiii, xxiv, xxxi, 97, 109-
110, 113, 114, 192, 227, 237,
388; on the death of the
Proprietary, 342, 343-344;
Prorogation of Assembly
by, ix, xxi, xxvi-xxvii, 74,
219, 220, 237, 390; Right
of, to appoint [the clergy],
49-50; Threat of [veto] of
bill by, xxix, 19, 47, 48-49,
54, 62, 163; [Veto] of act
of Assembly by, xxxvii,
xxxviii, xxxix, 74, 179, 226,
236, 333, 390; see also E'den,
Gov. Robert.
Grace, Richard, 320.
Grahame, Charles (Calvert
County), xiv, 8, 19, 88, 92, '
98, 104, 106, 109, 115, 116, 118,
128, 137, 138, 140, 174, 191;
on Comm. to confer on act
for amending the staple of
tobacco, xxviii, 19, 42, 53,
57, 138, 144, 152-154, 172,
201-207, 209, 211-212; on
Comm. to continue expiring
laws, 105; on Comm. to en-
quire into Cumming peti-
tion, 159; on Comm. to en-
quire into Horner petition,
120, 134; on Comm. to en-
quire into the laws on the
public roads, 94; on Comm.
to inspect the ..... Com-
missioners for emitting bills
of credit, 96; on Comm. to
treat with Frazier about
house for Assembly meet-
ings, 210; sent by the Lower
House, 28, 71, 160, 218, 233,
266; votes, 93, 108, 114,
123, 128, 132, 136, 137, 141,
142, 154, 158, 169, 200, 210.
Grain measure, Regulation of,
see also Baltimore Town,
Flour, staves.
Grand Inquest, Claim of Lower
House to be, 388.