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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 415   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 415

by the Day appointed by them as aforesaid it shall and may be lawful
and the said Trustes are hereby impowered and required to bring
Suits in their own Names as Trustees aforesaid in any Court of
Record in this Province for the recovery thereof for the use of
the Creditors aforesaid which said Courts are hereby fully im-
powered to compel to come before them all such Debtors Concealers
and others concerned and them to examine on Oath (if need be)
touching the Premisses and to commit them if they refuse to be so
examined and the said Trustees or any two of them are hereby
fully impowered to settle and adjust all matters and accounts that

may be subsisting between the said absconding Person and his or

her Debtor or Debtors and also between the said absconding Person
and his or her Creditor or Creditors which settlement and adjustment
of accounts shall be in money and to examine any Person or persons
upon Oath concerning such Accounts and settlements which Oath the
said Trustees or any two of them are hereby impowered and re-
quired to administer

Liber R. G.

p. 191

Provided always and be it Enacted that in Case any Creditor or
Pretended Creditor shall think him or herself aggrieved by the
Trustees not allowing his claim or any part thereof or by their
making any Discount thereout for any Matter claimed in Right of
the absconding person and shall appeal to the Court from whence
such Commission issued such disputed claim or Discount shall not
be finally determined by the Trustees but referred to the Court at
the next meeting thereof and under the direction of that Court an
Issue shall be framed and tryal thereof by Jury had thereon the
Court shall give final Judgment and the same mode of Proceeding
shall likewise be .had where at least two thirds in Value of the
Creditors of such absconding person object to the Trustees settle-
ment of any Claim or Account with any Creditor or pretended
Creditor or to the settlement made by the said Trustees of the
Quantum of any Debt or Debts due to such absconding person.


And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that any
person or Persons (other than those who have their Effects in their
Hands and other than Creditors) who shall discover any Effects of
the said absconding Person so concealed contrary to the True Intent
and meaning of this Act so that they be recovered by the said
Trustees shall be paid by the said Trustees as a Reward for such
discovery such sum as the said Trustees or any two of them shall
think reasonable not exceeding Ten pounds p Centum on the Value
of all Effects so discovered and recovered.

Effects to be
paid a Re-
ward not
exceeding 10
per Cent]

And be it further enacted that the said Trustees or some two of
them shall within sixty Days at farthest from the Time of their
Appointment to the said Trust give public Notice in the Maryland
Gazettee where their Commission Issued out of the Provincial Court
or by Advertisement set up at the Court House Door of the County

after Notice,
to proceed to
make a

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 415   View pdf image (33K)
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