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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 407

convenient time after the End of this Session of Assembly all their
Real and Personal Estate either in possession Reversion Remainder
or in Trust or in or unto which they have any Claim or Interest
whatsoever and likewise Convey assign transfer and make over unto
the Sheriffs respectively for the use of the said Creditors all such
their Estate Interest or Claim as aforesaid after such manner as
by the said sheriffs, and by the major part of such Creditors or such
of them as shall think fit to direct therein or their Counsel learned
in the Law shall reasonably devise or require at the Costs and Charges
of the Persons who shall claim Benefit thereof, so that the said
Prisoners be not burthened with any Warrantees thereby other
than against themselves or those claiming by from or under them
and that the said Prisoners at the time of such their Surrender and
transferring their Estate as aforesaid shall take their solemn Oaths
(or affirmation if Quakers) before the said two Justices aforesaid

Liber R. G.

to the Effect following Viz.t I A B do affirm or solemnly Swear that
the Goods Debts and effects which I have delivered assigned and
made over to the Sheriff of County in Trust for the
use of my Creditors is the whole Estate both real and personal of
my own in Possession or that I have any Title to in the world and
that I have not any Estate Goods or Effects of any kind whatsoever
left either in Possession Reversion or Remainder (the necessary
Wearing Apparel of myself, Wife and Children Bedding and Work-
ing Tools excepted) and that I have not directly or indirectly Sold
leased or otherwise Conveyed disposed of or intrusted all, or any

[The Oath.]

part of my Estate thereby to defraud my Creditors or to secure
the same to receive or expect any Profit or Advantage thereof So
help me God it shall and may be lawful for the Sheriffs of the Coun-
ties aforesaid to discharge the said prisoners and suffer them to
go at large

p. 185

And be it further Enacted That if the said prisoners or any of
them shall be arrested or imprisoned on any Process Sued out on
any Judgment or Decree obtained against any of them for any Debt
damages or Costs contracted owing or growing due before the End
of this Session of Assembly the Court out of which such Process
issued shall and may discharge such Prisoner on Motion. And
if the said Prisoners or any of them shall be arrested or imprisoned
on any process for the Recovery of any Debt Damages or Costs
contracted owing or growing due before the End of this Session
of Assembly the Court or Justice before whom such Process shall
be returned shall and may discharge the Party arrested out of
Custody on his or her common appearance being entered without
any special Bail Provided That the discharge of the said Prisoners
or any of them shall not acquit any other Person from such Debt
Damage or Cost or any part thereof but that all such Persons shall
be answerable for the same in such manner as they were before the
passing this Act,

[To be dis-
charged from
future Ar-
rests on

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)
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