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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 401   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 401

this General Assembly set forth That a certain Nicholas Rogers of
Baltimore Town in the County of Baltimore and Province of Mary-
land in virtue of a power in him vested by an Act of Assembly of
the said Province and agreeable to the direction thereof by Instru-
ments of Writing for that Purpose duly executed did demise and
to Farm let unto the Petitioners certain Parts or Portions of Two
lotts or parcels of Ground lying and being in the said Town under
and Subject to an Annual Rent to be by them paid together with a
Clause of Covenant on the part of the Petitioners therein inserted
compelling them to erect on said Ground such buildings as are therein
particularly specified within such Time as is therein limitted That by
omitting to have the said Instruments of Writing Recorded in such
Time as the Act of Assembly in such Case provides and directs their
Title to the said Ground as they conceive has become doubtful That
some short Time after the Execution of the above Instruments of
Writing the said Nicholas Rogers removed from the said Town

Liber R. G.

beyond Sea and is now resident in some part of Great Britain which
renders it almost Impracticable to procure a Renewment of the same
And Whereas Henrietta Rogers Mother and Natural Guardian
of the said Nicholas Rogers hath concurred in the said Petition
Be it therefore enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary by and with the Advice and consent of his Governor and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of
the same That the Clerk of Baltimore County may and shall record
in the Land Records of Baltimore County Court on being paid
therefor the several Leases executed by the said Nicholas Rogers to
the said John McLure John Boyd Nathaniel Smith and Robert
Henderson in Virtue of the Power vested in the said Nicholas Rogers
by any Act of Assembly of this Province and the same when Recorded
shall be of the same Effect in Law as if Recorded in the Time
prescribed by Act of Assembly.

p. 180

By the Lower House of
Assembly June 1773.
Read and Assented to
Signed by Order
Jn.° Duckett Cl. Lo. Ho.

On Behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I Will this be a Law.
Rob.t Eden

By the Upper House of
Assembly June 1773
Read and assented to
Signed by Order
U Scott Cl. Up. Ho.

the great Seal
in Wax Appendant

No. 9 NB. Bill N.° 9 did not pass into a Law.
No. 10 An Act for the Relief of the Poor in Frederick County.

Whereas it appears that the Assessments heretofore made by the
Justices of Frederick County for the Support of the Poor within
the said County have not been sufficient to answer the purpose
thereby intended and that there appears to be a considerable Ballance
due from the Trustees of the poor in the said County


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 401   View pdf image (33K)
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