The State of the Criminal Law which I recommended to the Con-
sideration of the late Assembly permit me again to press as an Object
that deserves your most deliberate Attention
The Provision hitherto made for repairing and keeping in Order
the Publick Roads having proved very ineffectual, let me also
beg your peculiar Regard to this Subject Our Situation for Com-
merce has many natural Advantages which will be diminished or
improved in proportion to our Neglect or Care in Shortening Dis-
tances and facilitating the Carriage of our native produce to Market.
Gentlemen of the Lower House
Nothing could be effected, at the last Session, in Consequence of
His Excellency, the late Lord Botetourts Letter soliciting a Contri-
bution towards defraying the necessary Expence that would attend
the Erection and Maintenance of a Light House on Cape Henry.
I have pursuant to the Address of the late Assembly directed the
Naval Officers to furnish me with an Account of the Tonnage which
I shall Order to be laid before you as also a Letter from the Speaker
of the House of Burgesses of Virginia to your Speaker containing
as I am informed the like Account of the Tonnage of that Province
and I must now request the Establishment of some Fund for a Ser-
vice in which the Trade of Maryland is so much interested
Gentlemen of both Houses
Be assured of my most cheerful Concurrence in every Measure
tending to promote the real Interests of this Country and that I
shall deem myself happy in proportion to the Prosperity the people
of this Province shall derive from my Administration
Adjourned until 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem
The House met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning Beall and Tyler from the Lower House acquaint His Ex-
cellency that their House hath made Choice of M.r John Duckett for
their Clerk and hope for His Excellency's Approbation to whom his
Excellency is pleased to declare that he Approves their Choice
Walter Dulany and Daniel of Saint Thomas Jenifer are
appointed a Committee to prepare and bring in an Address in Answer
to His Excellency's Speech