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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 399   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 399

of others and by that means such forged paper is thrown into circula-
tion with greater Facility and Security to the Authors thereof and
it being judged reasonable that neighbouring Countries having inter-
course in Trade should provide so far as in them lies against the
debasing of their medium of Commerce

Liber R. G.


Be it therefore enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary by and with the Advice and Consent of his Governor and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of
the same, That if any Person or Persons shall within this Province
prepare engrave stamp or print or cause or procure to be prepared
engraved stamped or printed the counterfeit Resemblance of any
paper Money which now is or hereafter may be circulated in Pay-
ments by legislative Authority in any British Colony or Plantation
in America with Intention that such counterfeit paper shall be passed
in Payments whether the same be so passed or not or if any person
or persons shall in this Province pay or tender in Payment, any such

counterfeit Money knowing the same to be forged or counterfeited,

altered or erased every such person, being lawfully convicted shall
be adjudged a Felon and shall suffer Death without Benefit of Clergy.
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That this

within this
feiting, &c.
the Paper
Money of
any of the
Colonies in
America, to
be adjudged
Felons and
p. 178

Act shall continue and be in force from and after the passing thereof
for and during the Term of five Years and to the End of the next
Session of Assembly which shall happen after the End of the said
five Years.


By the Lower House of
Assembly June 1773.
Read and Assented to
Signed by Order
Jn.o Duckett Cl. Lo. Ho.

On Behalf of the right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I Will this be a Law.
Rob.t Eden

By the Upper House of
Assembly June 1773.
Read and Assented to
Signed by Order
U Scott Cl. Up. Ho.

the great seal
in Wax appendant

No. 6 An Act to enable the Commissioners for Emitting Bills of Credit
to provide Stationary for the use of the Upper and Lower Houses
of Assembly.

Be it enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Governor and the Upper
and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of the same
That the Commissioners for Emitting Bills of Credit for the Time
being shall and they are hereby impowered to remit to some Merchant
in London the Sum of Thirty Pounds Sterling with Orders to lay
out the same (deducting Commissions and Charges) in such Parch-
ment, Paper, Ink Powder, and Quills as the said Commissioners shall
direct any Law to the Contrary notwithstanding; which Stationary
ware shall be purchased and shipped on the Risque of the Public
of this Province and shall on its arrival be to and for the use of the

sioners for
Bills of
Credit to re-
mit £30 Ster-
ling, to be
laid out in
for the use
of the Upper
and Lower
Houses of

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 399   View pdf image (33K)
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