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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 38   View pdf image (33K)
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38 Assembly Proceedings, October 2-November 30, 1771.

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 20

impower Elizabeth Williams, Administratrix of George Williams
with the Will annexed, to make and execute the Conveyances therein
mentioned." Read the first and second Time in the Lower House
and will pass, which was Read the first Time in this House and
Ordered to lie on the Table. Deye and Risteau bring up a Bill, entitled "An Act to
Levy on the Taxable Inhabitants of Baltimore County, the Quan-
tity of three Hundred Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, for finishing
and compleating the Court House, and prison of the said County."
Read the first and second Time in the Lower House and will Pass,
which was Read the first Time, in this House, <and Ordered to lie
on the Table.

Adjourned until to Morrow Morning 10 of the Clock

Nov. 21

Thursday Morning of November 1771.
The House met again according to Adjournment

Present as Yesterday
Read the second Time in this House a Bill, entitled "An Act for
the Relief of the Sufferers at Bladensburgh Warehouse" and will
not pass.

Read the second Time in this House a Bill entitled "An Act to
Levy on the Taxable Inhabitants of Baltimore County, the Quan-
tity of Three Hundred Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, for finishing
and compleating the Court House, and prison of the said County"
and will pass. So Endorsed and Sent to the Lower House by Daniel
Dulany Esq

Read the second Time, in this House a Bill entitled "An Act to
impower Elizabeth Williams, Administratrix of George Williams,
with the Will annexed, to make and execute the Conveyances
therein mentioned" and will pass. So Endorsed and Sent to the
Lower House by Daniel Dulany Esq

p. 567

Read the second Time in this House a Bill, entitled "An Act for
amending and declaring the Law in the Cases therein mentioned"
and will pass with the following Amendments Viz.t Leave out the
word "impleaded" in the line of the Page and insert the
words "affected by such Division" and leave out the last enacting
Clause in the same page. So Endorsed and Sent to the Lower
House by Daniel Dulany Esq

Read and referred to the Consideration of the Lower House of
Assembly, the Petition of John Steuart, and Duncan Campbell
Merchants in London. So Endorsed and Sent by Daniel Dulany

Adjourned until four of the Clock in the Afternoon

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 38   View pdf image (33K)
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