Post Meridiem.
The House met.
The House being informed that M.r John Reeder, jun.r a Delegate
returned for St. Mary's County, was attending.
Ordered, That M.r Barnes and M.r Key do go with that Gentle-
man to the Upper House to see him qualified.
They return and acquaint M.r Speaker they saw him qualified in
the usual Manner.
The Gentleman took his Seat in the House.
The Bill, entitled, An Act to aid Defects in a Deed of certain
Lands to Lodowick Davis.
And the Bill, entitled, An Act for the Relief of John M'Lure and
others, were severally read the first and second Time by an especial
Order, passed, and sent to the Upper House by M.r Deye and M.r
M.r Johnson brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker, a Bill entitled,
An Act for the better regulating Attachments; which was read the
first Time and ordered to lie on the Table.
M.r Sudler appeared in the House.
The ingrossed Bills N.° 4, 5, 6, 7, were severally read and assented
to, and sent to the Upper House with the Paper Bills thereof, by M.r
Sudler and M.r Bond.
Daniel of Saint Thomas Jenifer, Esq., from the Upper House,
delivers to M.r Speaker a Petition of James Hendricks, praying the
House to pass an Act to confirm to him a Tract of Land formerly
purchased by the Petitioner of a certain Peter Harman, which was
not legally conveyed by the said Harman.
L H. J.
Liber No. 54
June 28
A Petition of Thomas Harwood, William Reynolds, John Brice,
William Paris, and Allen Quynn on Behalf of themselves and others,
setting forth, That by an Act of Assembly passed the 16.th May
1747, for repealing an Act to enable the Rector, Vestrymen, &c. of
St. Anne's Parish in Anne-Arundel County, to lease certain Lots
in the City of Annapolis, Power was given to them to lease the Lots
in the said City, numbered respectively 59, 60, 61, for any Term not
exceeding 63 years, and after the Expiration of the said Term, to
grant new Leases for the Term of 21 Years or three Lives, to the
same Uses and Purposes as in the said recited Act is mentioned; and
further, that since the passing the said Act, Leases have been granted
for the said Lots of Land for the Term of 63 Years to several
Persons; that considerable and valuable Improvements have been
made on Part of the said Lots, particularly by the Petitioners who
would build on and improve the Residue, but from Doubts arising
p. 330