same, and declare the said Assembly to be dissolved. And to the
Intent that all Persons concerned may have due Notice thereof, I
do hereby strictly charge and require the several Sheriffs of this
Province to make this my Proclamation publick in their respective
Counties in the usual Manner, as they will answer the Contrary at
their Peril
Given at the City of Annapolis this Day of April, in the
second Year of the Dominion of the Right Honourable Henry Har-
ford Esq.r Anno Domini 1773
Signed by Order U Scott Cl Co.
On Motion, Ordered, That M.r So. Wright, M.r Beall and M.r
Chase be a Committee to enquire what Laws will expire with the
Close of this Session, and make Report thereof to the House
M.r Paca brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker an Address to his
Excellency, which was read, approv'd and ordered to be ingrossed
M.r Chase brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker the following
ingrossed Address.
To his Excellency Robert Eden Esquire Governor and Commander
in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland.
The humble Address of the House of Delegates
May it please your Excellency,
We his Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Delegates
of the Freemen of Maryland in Assembly convened, return your
Excellency our Thanks for your Speech at the Opening of this
A Meeting of the general Assembly at this Time is very incon-
venient to the private Affairs of many of Us, but as your Excellency
has thought proper to convene Us, the peculiar State of the Prov-
ince has determined Us to proceed to Business. We shall make every
Effort in our Power for the enacting such Laws as may promote
the general Welfare; and whenever your Excellency is pleased to
concur, you will as certainly obtain as merit the Thanks of a grateful
People. It gives us a singular pleasure to be informed, that his
Majesty has taken immediate Notice of the Affairs and Government
of this Province, and we have the firmest Reliance, that the Conduct
of the late Representatives, so generally agreeable to their Constitu-
ents, when fully known to the ffather of his People, cannot but meet
with his Royal Approbation.
June 1773
Which was read and assented to and signed by Order of the House
by the Honourable Speaker
The House adjourns till 3 O'Clock