U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
June 15
for their Speaker, with which Choice His Excellency declares himself
well pleased, and makes the following Speech.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly.
I am apprehensive that the Meeting of the General Assembly,
at this Time may be rather inconvenient to your private Affairs
though, after the unusual length of your Recess occasioned by the
Death of our late Lord Proprietary, and the peculiar State of this
Province in consequence of that Event, you may perhaps deem it
expedient to embrace this Opportunity of enacting such Laws as
may promote the general Welfare.
I have already communicated ( in Publishing my Commission and
issuing the Writs of Election for this Assembly,) the Succession of
M.r Harford to the Proprietaryship of this Province. I have the
Honour to be continued Governor thereof, with His Majesty's most
graciotis Approbation of my Conduct heretofore, which I shall be
supremely happy in meriting a Continuance of, as well as of the
Confidence reposed in me by my Reappointment; and you may be
assured, Gentlemen, that it will ever be, as it always has been my
Wish and Endeavour to promote the General Good of Maryland, in
which I am well assured I shall be assisted by the Concurrence, not
only of the new Proprietary, but also of the Guardians of his
M.r Speaker and Gentlemen of the Lower House.
If the Inconvenience of this Season be such, as that a Meeting at
another would be more agreeable to you, I will, upon being informed
of your Inclinations, Prorogue this Assembly to a Time more con-
venient to your private Affairs. But should you think proper to enter
upon and proceed in a general Course of Business, I shall with the
greatest pleasure attend the Duties of my Department, and most
chearfully concur with you Gentlemen of both Houses in establishing
such Acts of Assembly, as may be conducive to the Publick Utility
p. 646
Mess.rs Key and Hammond from the Lower House acquaint His
Excellency that their House hath made Choice of M.r John Duckett
for their Clerk, and hope for His Excellency's Approbation, to whom
his Excellency is pleased to declare that he approves of their Choice.
Mess.rs Nicholas Thomas and Turbutt Wright attend with M.r
John Duckett Clerk of the Lower House to see him Qualified, who
takes the several Oaths to the Government, appointed to be taken
by Act of Assembly, and Subscribes the Abjuration and Test, and
also takes the following Oath of Office Viz.t "You John Duckett do
Swear, that as Clerk of the Lower House of Assembly, you shall
true Entries make of all such Matters and Things, as by the Honour-
able Speaker, for the Time being, and that House, shall be to you
directed. The Secrets of the said House you shall not divulge, to
the Prejudice of the House or any Member thereof; but shall in all