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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 27

instead of the word "their" insert the word "his." Instead of the
word "them" in the second line from the bottom of the same Page
insert the word "him." After the word "Baltimore" in the 6th line
of the page, insert, "or Fells Point." After the word "Town"
in the line of the page insert, "or Fells Point."
In the line of the Page instead of the word "Inspectors"
insert the word "Inspector." In the line of the page,

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 8

instead of the words "any of the said Inspectors" insert the words
"the Inspector." After the word "and" in the line of the same
page insert "is" instead of "are." After the word "Refusal" in the line of the page insert the following Clause Viz.t "And
whereas it may sometimes happen that by reason of a great Quantity
of Flour being brought at once to Baltimore Town, and Fells Point,
the Person who shall be appointed Inspector of Flour cannot alone
with sufficient Dispatch, inspect and brand all such Flour, and as
it is apprehended that the most likely means to support the Credit
of the Inspection Brand is to make one Inspector Answerable Be it
Enacted that the Person to be by the Commissioners chosen and
appointed Inspector of Flour, shall, or may, on such Occasions only,
or in case of Sickness, employ one, or more person of good Repute,
and well Qualified for such Service, as Assistants to assist him in the
Execution of his said Office, and such Assistants after taking the
Oaths, or Affirmations herein prescribed, to be taken by the Inspector
of Flour, are hereby authorized to Inspect and Brand any Barrels
of Flour at Baltimore Town, or Fells Point, as the Inspector
himself might do"
After the word "Oaths" in the line of the Page insert
the words "or Affirmations." So Endorsed and sent to the Lower
House by John Ridout Esq Wootton and Risteau bring up a Bill entitled "An Act
for the Relief of certain Prisoners in the several Goals therein men-
tioned." Read the first and second Time in the Lower House and
will pass, which was Read the first Time in this House and ordered
to lie on the Table. Wootton and Risteau bring up the following Engrossed
Bills Read and Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly.

p. 551

A Bill entitled "An Act to prohibit raising of Swine and Geese
in George Town in Frederick County."

A Bill entitled "An Act reviving and continuing an Act entitled
an Act for amending and repairing the Publick Road[s] in Baltimore

A Bill entitled "An Act to divide Prince Georges Parish in Fred-
erick and Prince Georges Counties and to Erect a new Parish by the
name of Christ Church Parish." These three Bills were Read and
Assented to by this House and ordered to be so Subscribed, the

p. 552

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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