250 Assembly Proceedings, October 2-November 30, 1771.
No. 13
Liber R. G.
p. 114
An Act to prohibit raising Swine & Geese in George Town in Fred-
erick County.
Whereas, it is represented to this General Assembly, That divers
Persons living in George Town in Frederick County, do raise & keep
great Numbers of Swine & Geese within the said Town, to the great
Prejudice of the Inhabitants thereof.
[No Person
living within
Town to
keep Swine
or Geese,
unless kept
within such
Be it therefore enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary by & with the Advice & Consent of his Lordship's Gov-
ernor & the Upper & Lower Houses of Assembly & the Authority
of the same, That no Person or Persons whatsoever, living or that
shall hereafter live, in the said Town, shall after the End of this
Present Session of Assembly, under any Pretence whatsoever, keep
or support, within the said Town, any Swine or Geese belonging
to themselves or to any other Person whatsoever, unless such Swine
or Geese be kept within such Person or Person's Inclosure so keeping
or supporting such Swine or Geese.
may destroy
such Swine
or Geese so
going at
And be it further enacted, That in Case any Person or Persons
whatsoever, living or that shall live in the said Town shall after the
End of this present Session of Assembly, suffer any Swine or Geese
belonging to themselves or under their Care, belonging to any other
Person, go at large within the said Town, it shall & may be lawful
for any Person to shoot or otherwise destroy such Swine or Geese
so found at large.
[and if sued,
may plead
the General
Issue, &c.]
And be it likewise enacted, That if any Person shall be sued or
impleaded, for shooting or otherwise destroying such Swine or Geese,
as aforesaid, the Defendant may plead the General Issue & give
this Act & the special Matter in Evidence.
By the Lower House of
Assembly, Nov.r 7.th 1771.
Read & assented to.
Signed by Order,
Jn.o Duckett Cl. Lo. Ho.
On Behalf of the Right
Honble the Lord Pro-
prietary of this Province,
I Will this Be a Law.
Rob.t Eden.
By the Upper House of
Assembly, Nov.r 8.th 1771.
Read & assented to.
Signed by Order,
U Scott Cl. Up. Ho.
The Great Seal
in Wax appendant
No. 14
[An Act for
and repair-
ing the Pub-
lick Roads
in Baltimore
County con-
p. 115
An Act reviving & continuing an Act entitled an Act for amending &
repairing the Publick Roads in Baltimore County.
Be it enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary by &
with the Advice & Consent of his Lordship's Governor & the Upper
& Lower Houses of Assembly & the Authority of the same, That an
Act of Assembly of this Province entitled an Act for amending &
repairing the Publick Roads in Baltimore County made at a Session
of Assembly begun & held at the City of Annapolis the first Day
of November one thousand seven hundred & sixty six, be & is hereby
revived & continued in full Force from & after the End of this
present Session of Assembly for & during the Term of one Year &