The Upper House. 25
Read the first Time in this House a Bill entitled "An Act for
Licensing Ordinary Keepers, Hawkers Pedlars and Petty Chapmen,"
and ordered to lie on the Table.
Read and referred to the Consideration of the Lower House of
Assembly, the Petition of Jane Ridgely, of Ann Arundel County;
So Endorsed and sent by Daniel of Saint Thomas Jenifer Esq
Adjourned until to Morrow Morning 10 of the Clock
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 6
Thursday Morning 7.th of November 1771.
The House met again according to Adjournment
Present as Yesterday and Col.° Hammond
Read and referred to the Consideration of the Lower House of
Assembly, the Petitions of Robert Wood, and John Culbreath lan-
guishing Prisoners in Queen Anns County Goal, and the Petition
of Charles Lyn a languishing Prisoner in Baltimore County Goal.
These Petitions were severally Endorsed and Sent by William Fitz-
hugh Esq
Mess.rs Deye and Moale bring up a Bill entitled "An Act reviving
and continuing an Act entitled an Act for amending and repairing
the Publick Roads in Baltimore County," Read the first and second
time in the Lower House and will Pass, which was Read the first
and second Time, by an especial Order in this House, and will Pass.
So Endorsed and sent to the Lower House by William Fitzhugh
Read and Rejected the Petition of Zachariah Strouble of Balti-
more County, praying that a Road may be laid out to his Mill.
Read the second Time in this House, a Bill entitled "An Act to
divide Prince Georges Parish in Prince Georges and Frederick Coun-
ties and to Erect one new Parish by the name of Christ Church
Parish" and will Pass. So Endorsed and Sent to the Lower House
by George Steuart Esq
Nov. 7
Read the second Time in this House a Bill Entitled "An Act to
enable the Commissioners for Emitting Bills of Credit to pay to
John Duckett, William Mills, John Peacock, and Anne Gaither the
Sums of Money therein mentioned," and will Pass with the follow-
ing Amendments Viz.t Leave out all that relates to the Payment of
One Hundred and thirty six Dollars to M.r John Duckett and lett
an Allowance be made to him on the Journal of Accounts in the
same manner as Allowances have been usually made to others for
similar Services. So Endorsed and Sent to the Lower House by
George Steuart Esquire.
Read the second Time in this House a Bill entitled "An Act for
Licensing Ordinary Keepers, Hawkers Pedlars, and Petty Chap-
p. 549