Liber R. G.
242 Assembly Proceedings, October 2-November 30, 1771.
May seventeen hundred & sixty eight be & is hereby continued, &
shall remain & be in full Force for & during the Term of three
Years, & to the End of the next Session of Assembly which shall
happen after the End of the said three Years.
By the Lower House of
Assembly, October 23.d
1771. Read & assented to.
Signed by Order,
Jn.° Duckett Cl. Lo. Ho.
On Behalf of the Right
Honble, the Lord Pro-
prietary of this Province
I Will this be a Law
Rob.t Eden.
By the Upper House of
Assembly Nov.r 4. 1771.
Read & Assented to.
Signed by Order.
U Scott Cl. Up. Ho.
The Great Seal
in Wax Appendant.
No. 7
An Act for imposing a further additional Duty of five Pounds
Current Money per Poll on all Negroes imported into this
[After the
last Day
of Oct. next,
5 1. Current
Duty, to be
paid on all
Be it enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
by & with the Advice & Consent of his Lordships Governor & the
Upper & Lower Houses of Assembly & the Authority of the same,
That from & after the last Day of October next all Masters of
Ships & other Vessels & all other Persons importing or bringing
Negroes into this Province by Land or Water shall at the Time of
making their Entry or bringing in the same pay unto the Naval
Officer of the Port or Place where they shall make their Entry or
bring in such Negroes the Sum of five Pounds Current Money
over & above what by the Laws of this Province now in Force is
to be paid for every Negroe so imported or brought in on Penalty &
Forfeiture of twenty Pounds Current Money for every Negro so
imported or brought in & not paid for as aforesaid to be recovered
by Action of Debt or on the Case with full Costs in any Court of
Record within this Province having Cognizance of the same, one
Half thereof to be applied to the Use of him her or them that shall
sue for the same, the other Half to be applied to the Use of the
[This Duty
to be col-
lected and
paid by the
Naval Offi-
cers as other
Duties on
County Schools within this Province which said Duty shall be
collected, accounted for, & paid by the several Naval Officers in the
same Manner as the Duties on Negroes heretofore imposed by the
Laws of this Province are directed to be collected accounted for &
paid & under the like Penalties to be recovered & applied in like
Manner as in the said Laws is mentioned & shall be applied to the
Use of the County Schools in like Manner as the Duties on Negroes
are by former Laws of this Province directed to be applied thereto,
p. 107
Provided always that nothing herein contained shall hinder any
Person or Persons, who shall remove from any other of his Maj-
esty's Dominions in order to settle & reside within this Province
from bringing with him her or them such Negroes as he she or
they shall be possessed of for carrying on his her or their proper
Occupation at the Time of such Removal but that such Negroes may