but Officers themselves and unanimously rejected. There are no
Hopes of Accomodation left, the Lower House therefore to prevent
any further Waste of Time have instructed us to break up this
Conference Which was read. M.r Ward brings in and delivers to
M.r Speaker the following Report
L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Nov. 22
By the Committee appointed to enquire into the ffacts set forth
in the Petition of Mary Louttitt Executrix of James Louttitt of
Caecil County
Your Committee in Obedience to the Order of the Honourable
House have enquired into the ffacts in the said Petition and find that
James Louttitt died possessed of an Estate in fee simple of and in
one third Part of thirty seven and a Quarter Acres of Land and a
Grist Mill thereon as appears to Us by an attested Copy of a Deed
dated the first Day of April seventeen hundred and sixty. That the
said James as appears by the Deposition of M.r Sidney George had
some Time before his Death intended to dispose of his third Part of
the said Land and Mill. That near the Time of his Death he was
reminded of his Intention by M.r George and said he would by all
Means have it Sold but that his Executrix could do that without
its being mentioned in the Will and very soon after died.
And your Committee further find that the Balance of the said
Louttitt's Estate by an Account passed by his Executrix the 28.th
Day of June 1769 appears to have then been 1368...9..1 1/2 Gold Cur-
rency and that there was a Judgment rendered against the said
Executrix in September Term 1771 for £2000 Sterling Penalty and
five hundred Pounds of Tobacco Cost of Suit as by attested Copies
of the Record of the Commissary's Office and Provincial Court may
appear on which Penalty there appears to be due and properly charge-
able against the Estate for Principal and Interest more than the
Balance of the Personal Estate. All which is submitted to the Con-
sideration of the Honble House
Signed p Order Jn.° Courts Jones Cl Com.
Which was read
The House adjourns till To Morrow Morning 9 O'Clock
p. 277
Saturday November 23.d 1771.
The House met.
All Members present as on Yesterday.
The Proceedings of Yesterday were read.
M.r Ward and M.r Buchanan have Leave of Absence.
The ingrossed Address brought in Yesterday by M.r Paca, was
signed, by Order of the House, by the Honourable Speaker.
Ordered, That M.r N. Thomas and M.r Weems do acquaint the
Nov. 23