Friday November 22.d 1771
The House met.
All Members present as on Yesterday except M.r Gale.
The Proceedings of Yesterday were read.
M.r Grahame appeared in the House
The Bill entitled An Act for amending and declaring the Law in
the Cases therein mentioned was read with the Amendments pro-
posed by the Upper House, and the Amendments were agreed to,
and the Bill passed for ingrossing.
The Bill entitled An Additional Supplementary Act to the Act
entitled An Act for the Establishment of Religious Worship in this
Province according to the Church of England and for the Mainte-
nance of Ministers was read; and the Amendment proposed by the
Upper House was read, and agreed to, and the Bill passed for
The Petition of the Trustees for the Poor in Ann Arundel County
was read a second Time; and, On Motion, Leave given to bring in a
Bill relating to the Levy and Poor of Ann Arundel County. Ordered,
That M.r Chase and M.r Worthington do prepare and bring in the
M.r Chase brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker the said Bill.
Which was read the first Time and ordered to lie on the Table.
A Bill entitled An Act to impower Jane Ridgely, Executrix of
Nicholas Greenberry Ridgley late of Ann Arundel County deceased
to convey the Land therein mentioned was read the first and second
Time by an especial Order, passed, and sent to the Upper House
by M.r Wootton and M.r Tyler
A Bill entitled An Act for the directing the Sale of the Lands of
John Stone Hawkins late of Prince George's County deceased for
the Payment of the Debts of the said John Stone Hawkins was
read the first and second Time by an especial Order, passed, and
sent to the Upper House, with the ingrossed Bills N.° 29, 30 by
M.r Moale and M.r Contee.
The Petition of John Stewart [Steuart?] and Duncan Campbell
was read
Ordered, That the same be referred to the Consideration of a
Committee and that they do examine the Matter thereof and report
the same as it shall appear to them to the House and M.r Moale, M.r
Ristcau, M.r Dcyc and M.r Johnson are appointed a Committee
accordingly; and they have power to send for Persons Papers and
Nov. 22
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