Prison of the said County And a Bill entitled An Act to impower
Elizabeth Williams Administratrix of George Williams with the
Will annexed to make and execute the Conveyances therein mentioned
severally indorsed "By the Upper House of Assembly November
1771 Read the first Time and ordered to lie on the Table
Signed by Order U Scott Cl. Up Ho"
"By the Upper House of Assembly Nov.r 1771 Read the
second Time & will pass
Signed by Order U Scott Cl Up Ho"
Which Bills were read here and passed for engrossing
Also the Bill entitled An Act for amending and declaring the Law
in the Cases therein mentioned thus endorsed "By the Upper House
of Assembly Nov.r 1771 Read the first Time and ordered to
lie on the Table
Signed by Order U Scott Cl Up Ho."
"By the Upper House of Assembly November 1771 Read
the second Time and will pass with the following Amendments Viz.t
Leave out the Word "impleaded" in the Line of the 17.h Page
and insert the Words "affected by such Division" and leave out the
last enacting Clause in the same Page.
Signed by Order U Scott Cl. Up. Ho.
And a Petition of John Steuart and Duncan Campbell praying
that an Act may pass to enable Sarah Steuart Widow and Executrix
of Alexander Steuart late of Baltimore County deceased to sell
certain Lotts in the said Petition mentioned for the Payment of the
Debts of the said Alexander Steuart.
John Ridout Esq.r from the Upper House delivers to M.r Speaker
the Bill entitled An Additional Supplementary Act to the Act entitled
An Act for the Establishment of Religious Worship in this Province
according to the Church of England and for the Maintenance of