L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Oct. 21
of others than to have had any real Intention of Extortion; and that
he had not received those excessive Charges. Therefore he is dis-
M.r Grahame brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker a Bill entitled
An Act for licensing Ordinary Keepers, Hawkers, Pedlars and Petty
Chapmen. Which was read the first Time and ordered to lie on the
The House adjourns till To-Morrow Morning 9 O'Clock
Oct. 22
p. 216
Tuesday October 22.d 1771
The House met.
All Members present as on Yesterday except M.r Hall.
The Proceedings of Yesterday were read.
M.r Moale appeared in the House.
The Order of the Day for taking into Consideration the Report
of the Committee of Grievances of the 19.th November last, being
read; Ordered, That the same be taken into Consideration on Tues-
day the 29.th Instant.
Ordered, That the Order of the Day for taking into Consideration
the Expediency and the Ways and Means of issuing Bills of Credit
for the Improvement of the Province and the Advancement of the
Trade thereof, be read; and it was read accordingly.
The Question was put that the House will now resolve itself into
a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the Ex-
pediency and the Ways and Means of issuing Bills of Credit for the
Improvement of the Province and the Advancement of the Trade
thereof? Resolved in the Affirmative
The House resolved itself into the said Committee and after some
Time Spent therein M.r Speaker resumed the Chair, and M.r Worth-
ington, Chairman of the said Committee made the following Report
Resolved That it is the Opinion of this Committee that for trans-
acting the Business and carrying on the Commerce and Trade of this
Province it is expedient and necessary that there be a further Emis-
sion of Bills of Credit. That Bills of Credit be struck to the Amount
of 270,000 Dollars, of which 266,666 2/3 of a Dollar be emitted. That
the said Bills of Credit be circulated by Way of Loan upon real and
personal Security.
M.r Worthington also reported that the said Committee prayed
they might have Leave to sit again on Friday next
Resolved, That this House will, on Friday next, resolve itself into
a Committee of the whole House to take into further Consideration
the Expediency and the Ways and Means of issuing Bills of Credit