Paca, M.r Beall, M.r Tyler and M.r Contee are appointed a Com-
mittee accordingly; and they have Power to send for Persons Papers
and Records.
The Petition of the Vestrymen and Church Wardens of Stepney
Parish, praying that an Act of Assembly may pass impowering the
Justices of Somerset and Worcester Counties to levy on the taxable
Inhabitants of the said Parish sixty thousand Pounds of Tobacco to
[be] applied to the Purpose of finishing and compleating three Chapels
of Ease in the said Parish was read and granted. Leave given to
bring in a Bill pursuant to the Prayer of the said Petition
Ordered, That M.r Dennis and M.r Handy do prepare and bring
in the same
The Petition of sundry the Inhabitants of Stepney Parish, pray-
ing that an Act may pass to establish the Chapel at the Head of
Wiccomoco River, the Parish Church, read and rejected.
The Petition of the Vestrymen, Church-Wardens and Parishioners
of Stepney Parish, praying that an Act may pass to establish and
confirm the Church at Green Hill the Parish Church read and
ordered to lie on the Table