Introduction. xxxix
had been passed in 1765 (Arch. Md. LIX, 264). The other act relating to cur-
rency which was renewed by the same Assembly was called "An Act for amend-
ing the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in his Majesty's Customs and
for the Limitation of Officers Fees." This law was continued to October 1,
1770 (pp. 44-45, 123). The subsequent fate of this act has been discussed in
this introduction (pp. xxix-xxxi). "An Act for the speedy and effectual Publi-
cation of the Laws of this Province and for the Encouragement of Ann
Catherine Green of the City of Annapolis, Printer" was continued by the
Assembly of 1769 until December 25, 1770 (pp. 45, 156-159). What happened
to this law later has also been mentioned elsewhere (pp. xxxvii-xxxviii).
Three general laws which were continued by the Assembly which met in
1769 remain to be considered. One was entitled "An Act for repairing the
Publick Roads in this Province and the Supplementary Act thereto" (pp. 44,
121). This act had been passed in 1753 (Arch. Md. L, 297-298), and in 1756
a supplementary act has been passed to the original act (Arch. Md. LII, 534-
536). The original and supplementary acts were subsequently reenacted at
later sessions of the General Assembly (Arch. Md. LVI, 133-134; ibid. LVIII,
189-190; ibid. LIX, 293).
The law regarding the height of fences which was continued had a lengthy
title as well as history. It was called "A Supplementary Act to the Act entitled
An Act ascertaining the Height of Fences to prevent the Evil occasioned by
the Multitude of Horses and restraining Horse Rangers within this Province
and to redress the great Evil accruing to this Province by the Multiplicity of
useless Horses, Mares and Colts that run in the Woods" (pp. 44, 154-156).
In brief what was being reenacted here was not a supplementary act to an old
general act, but the supplementary act itself. This is understandable when we
find that the original act on this subject had been passed in 1699, or seventy
years ago (Arch. Md. XXII, 477-478). Since that time the law had frequently
come up for discussion and renewal (Arch. Md. XXVI, 309-312; ibid. XXVII,
373; XXX, 293-297; XXXVIII, 11, 166). The supplementary act which was
renewed by the Assembly that met in 1769 had been passed in 1750 (Arch. Md.
483-485), and continued in force thereafter by subsequent Assemblies (Arch.
Md. L, 282-283; ibid. LV, 130-131; ibid. LVI, 392; ibid. LVIII, 424-425; ibid.
LXI, 224-225).
Another general law to be continued by the Assembly that met in 1769 dealt,
as has been said, with the subject of quarantine and was entitled "An Act to
oblige infected Ships & other Vessels coming into this Province to perform
Quarantine" (pp. 44, 122). This law had been passed at a session of the
General Assembly which met during November and December of 1766 (Arch.
Md. LXI, xiii, xxxiii, xciii-xcv, 262-264).
No general acts were continued at either of the two sessions of the General
Assembly held in 1770 (pp. 212, 394).
LOCAL ACTS, 1769-1770
Acts of this type did not, as was the case with general acts, apply to the
province as a whole. The General Assembly, which met during November and
December of 1769, passed five local acts. Two of these laws dealt with the