Introduction. xxxv
the sheriff for his contempt and bring him before the Lower House. As Lee
had gone to Virginia it was impossible for this order to be carried out (pp. 46,
48, 51,67-68,73-74).
The Delegates now resolved that a message should be sent to Governor Eden
requesting him to remove Lee from his office of sheriff. This was done. In the
address to the Governor the condition and size of the room in which Lee had
confined his prisoners was mentioned and how he had one of them whipped by
a slave. Eden promised the Lower House to make a full investigation (pp. 74,
86-88, 91: see also Appendix VIII and Volume XXXII of the Archives which
contains numerous references to this case).
After hearing all the evidence, the Governor and his Council decided to keep
Lee in office (Arch. Md. XXXII, 367-368). The Lower House only succeeded
in making Lee pay for the costs of Doncastle's and Wright's complaints of
maltreatment (p. 116).
A general act was one which applied to the province as a whole. During the
session of the General Assembly, which met in November and December of
1769, one of the most important acts of that character which was passed was
entitled "An Act for emitting Bills of Credit and other Purposes therein men-
tioned." As the preamble to the law stated, it was thought that an issuance of
bills of credit would expedite the carrying on of trade and commerce in the
colony (pp. 133-151). Similar financial questions had arisen during previous
sessions of the General Assembly (Arch. Md. LXI, xxxii, xcix-cii, 264-275;
ibid. LIX,lx,lxii).
Several notices appeared in the Maryland Gazette in regard to the new bill.
In the issue for November 30, 1769, it is stated that it is understood that the
Lower House had resolved to bring in a bill for emitting bills of credit, on loan,
to the amount of 300,000 dollars, in order to supply the province with a circu-
lating medium at the time much needed. In subsequent issues of the same
newspaper there were printed notices by the Commissioners appointed under
this act that their office would be open on a certain day for the issuance of new
bills of credit (Maryland Gazette, Mar. 1, Aug. 2, 9, 16, 30, Sept. 6, 1770).
The Governor had appointed Robert Couder (or Couden) and John Clapham
commissioners for emitting bills of credit (ibid. Jan. 4, 11, 1770).
A notice in the Maryland Gazette on December 28, 1769, calls attention to
the fact that in "An Act for emitting Bills of Credit, or other Purposes therein
mentioned; a Sum of Money, not exceeding £7500 Sterling, is appropriated
to the building an Edifice, in this City where the present Stadt-House now
stands, sufficient to accommodate the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,
the High Court of Appeals, Chancery and Provincial Courts, of this Province."
A few days later the superintendents appointed under the terms of the same
act published a notice requesting any who had "Plans and Estimates" should