Introduction. xxv
any felony or crime whatever, committed in the colony by a person residing
there should be tried before a local court, and fourth, and last, that an address
be presented to the King to protest against seizing and taking overseas for trial
persons suspected of a crime committed in the colonies (pp. 107-109).
On the day following the introduction of Randolph's letter in the Lower
House Governor Eden sent to their Speaker an extract from a letter, dated
May 13, 1769, from the Earl of Hillsborough. This stated that the King
and his advisers did not plan to suggest to Parliament that any further taxes
should be levied in the American colonies for the purpose of raising a revenue
and that it was at present the intention of the King and his advisers to propose
at the next session of Parliament that the duties on glass, paper and colors,
should be removed. Such being the sentiments of the King's present administra-
tion, Hillsborough said that his Majesty hoped that mutual confidence between
him and the colonists would be reestablished (pp. 109-110).
Eden had acknowledged Hillsborough's letter on August 14 saying that he,
too, hoped that the King's plan would mark the beginning of a much desired
reconciliation of Great Britain and her colonies (Correspondence of Governor
Eden, Md. Hist. Mag. Vol. II, 229-231).
The conciliatory letter had no effect, however, on the Maryland Delegates.
On the same day on which they received it they resolved unanimously to concur
with the sentiments expressed by the Virginia House of Burgesses. This is
shown by their passing resolutions similar to the Virginia ones. Robert Lloyd,
their Speaker, was directed to inform Peyton Randolph, Speaker of the Virginia
House, of the action which had been taken by the Maryland House. Lloyd
was also instructed to write to the speakers of the other houses of representa-
tives in the colonies informing them of the Maryland resolutions and to ask
their concurrence therein (pp. 110-111). The "Resolves" of the Lower House
were ordered published in the local newspaper (Maryland Gazette, Dec. 28,
Apparently this is what Governor Eden was afraid would happen. In a letter
written to Lord Hillsborough on June 21, 1769, not very long after his arrival
in the province, the Governor had said that he was delaying calling the Mary-
land Assembly together for fear that they might adopt resolutions similar to
those passed by the Virginia House of Burgesses. If the Maryland Delegates
pursued the same policy, Eden said that he would be compelled to dissolve the
Assembly (Correspondence of Governor Eden, Md. Hist. Mag. Vol. II, 227-
228). Although he did not dissolve it, he prorogued the Assembly on December
20, 1769 (pp. 36, 119).
Before proroguing it the Governor said a word of praise to the members of
that body. Despite the prorogation, he wished, if possible, to maintain friendly
relations with both Houses. Accordingly, on the closing day of the session,
after several acts had been passed at a joint meeting of the Upper and Lower
Houses, Eden thanked those present for "the Obliging Testimony" they had
given him of their regard for him. He added that he was grateful for their
attention to the mercantile interest and for the steps which they had taken
towards erecting necessary public buildings. The Governor also referred to the