L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Dec. 4
The Proceedings of Saturday were read.
William Fitzhugh Esq from the Upper House, delivered to M.r
Speaker, the Petition of sundry of the Freeholders and other In-
habitants of Christ Church Parish, in Calvert County.
Walter Dulany Esq from the Upper House, delivered to M.r
Speaker, the Petition of Mary Hindman of Talbot County: Which
Petitions were thus severally indorsed: "By the Upper House of
Assembly, Dec.r 4.th 1769: Read and referred to the Consideration
of the Lower House of Assembly
Sign'd by Order U Scott Cl: Up: Ho:"
The Petitions were read here the first Time, and ordered to lie
on the Table.
M.r Ringgold brought in, and delivered to M.r Speaker, a Bill,
entitled, A Supplementary Act to the Act, entitled, An Act for the
Direction of Sheriffs in their Offices, and restraining their ill Prac-
tices within this Province: Which was read the first Time, and
Ordered to lie on the Table.
On Motion, Leave given to bring in a Bill, entitled, An Additional
Supplementary Act to the Act, entitled, An Act for the Establish-
ment of Religious Worship in this Province, according to the Church
of England, and for the Maintenance of Ministers.
Ordered, That M.r Johnson, M.r Paca, M.r Allen and M.r Hall
do prepare and bring in the same.
On Motion, Leave given to bring in a Bill entitled An Act to lay a
further Duty on Negroes imported into this Province. Ordered, That
M.r Johnson, M.r Hollyday, M.r Paca, and M.r Ringgold, do prepare
and bring in the same.
On Motion, Leave given to bring in a Bill, entitled, A Supple-
mentary Act to the Act, entitled, An Act to prevent the Abuses of
concealing Convicted Felons; and other Offenders imported into this
Province, and for the better Discovery of them.
Ordered, That M.r Hollyday, M.r Johnson, and M.r Hall, do pre-
pare and bring in the same.
M.r Ringgold brought in, and delivered to M.r Speaker, a Bill,
entitled, An Act for appointing Places for holding the next Election
of Delegates for Baltimore County: Which was read the first and
second Time, by an especial Order, and will pass. Sent to the Upper
House by M.r Paca, and M.r Baxter.
The Petition of the Visitors of Frederick County Free School,
read a second Time and granted.
Ordered, That M.r Luckett, M.r Johnson, and M.r Allen, do pre-
pare and bring in a Bill, according to Prayer.
The Bill, entitled, An Act continuing an Act, entitled, An Act for
amending the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in his