L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Nov. 29
Wednesday, November 29.th
The House met according to Adjournment.
The Members were called and all appeared as on Yesterday, except
M.r Chase.
The Proceedings of Yesterday were read.
M.r Bordley appeared in the House.
Ordered, That the Committee of Accounts do receive no Claims
against the Public, after Monday next, and that they close the Journal
of Accounts to that Day.
Ordered, That the Order of the Day, for the House to resolve
itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider further of
the Expediency and the Ways and Means of issuing Bills of Credit,
for the Improvement of the Province, and the Advancement of the
Trade thereof, be read. And the said Order being read accordingly,
the House resolved itself into the said Committee; and after some
Time spent therein, M.r Speaker resumed the Chair, and M.r E Tilgh-
man from the Committee, made the following Report
Resolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that for trans-
acting the Business and carrying on the Commerce and Trade of
this Provinqe, it is highly expedient and necessary, that a sum of
money be emitted in Bills of Credit. That the sum to be emitted be
300,000 Dollars. That the sum of 300,000 Dollars be circulated by
Way of Loan, upon real, and personal Security. Which was read
the first and second Time and Concurred with.
Ordered, That M.r Hall, M.r Ringgold, M.r Grahame, M.r E Tilgh-
man, M.r Hollyday, M.r M. Tilghman, M.r Hayward, M.r Chase, M.r
Beall, M.r Dickinson, and M.r Allen, be a Committee to prepare and
bring in a Bill agreeable to the above Resolution.
Benedict Calvert Esq; from the Upper House, delivered to M.r
Speaker the Petition of Thomas Smyth, Mary Granger and William
Granger; indorsed: "By the Upper House of Assembly November
29.th 1769: Read and referred to the Consideration of the Lower
House of Assembly.
Sign'd by Order U Scott Cl: Up: Ho:"
Which was read the first Time and Ordered to lie on the Table.
M.r Worthington appeared in the House.
The Bill, entitled, An Act continuing an Act entitled, An Act to
encrease the allowance of Jurors attending the Provincial and County
Courts, and for other Purposes therein mentioned, read the second
Time and will pass.
The Bill, entitled; An Act continuing an Act, entitled, A Supple-
mentary Act to the Act, entitled, An Act for ascertaining what
Damages shall be allowed upon Protested Bills of Exchange, read
the second Time and will pass.