Proceedings of, Publication
of, in Md. Gazette, 370.
Vacant land, Preemption of, 474.
Valletta, Elie, xxxi, 219.
Value of Chestertown real
estate, 125.
Veazy (Veazey), John (Cecil
County), 37, 84, 219, 373;
on Comm. of grievances and
courts of justice, 41; sent by
the Lower House, 358, 400;
votes, 51, 6o, 63, 69, 71, 83,
233, 259, 287, 206, 377, 391,
392, 399, 410, 414, 427.
Vessels stranded near Cape
Henry, 468-469.
Victuals, Sale of, restricted to
the Market House, 439.
Virginia, Governor of, 172, 207,
468-469; see also Botetourt.
House of Burgesses, Commit-
tee of the Whole House,
108; Resolves of, x, xxiv,
xxv, 107-108, 110, 111,
172, 207, 274; Speaker of,
Letter from, xxiv, 107-108,
no, 266.
Loyalty of, to the King of
Great Britain, 108.
Visitors of free schools, 325, 336.
Waggaman, Ephraim, 217.
Wallace, Charles, 457.
Superintendant for building
the State House, 148.
Walsh, William, 179, 445.
Want of evidence, 30, 313; see
also Suits at law.
Ward, Henry, 445.
John, son of Henry, 445.
William (Cecil County), 37,
84, 205, 383, 431; on Comm.
of elections and privileges,
41, 210; on Comm. to en-
quire into Baker petition,
270; on Comm. of griev-
ances and courts of justice,
210; sent by the Lower
House, 52, 172, 207, 257;
votes, 51, 60, 63, 68, 71, 83,
233, 259, 287, 296, 391, 302,
309, 410, 414, 427.
Ware, Francis (Charles
County), xvii, 37, 45, 205,
372; on Comm. on arms and
ammunition, 209; on Comm.
to enquire into Clayton peti-
tion, 228; on Comm. of
grievances and courts of
justice, 41, 68, 210; sent by
the Lower House, 7, 10, 18,
24, 45, 77, 82, 85, 172, 108,
207, 294, 350, 359, 379, 404;
votes, 51, 60, 63, 68, 71, 83,
114, 233, 259, 287, 296, 377,
391, 392, 399, 4io, 414-
Warehouse, Reservation of land
for, 25.
Waring, Francis, deceased, of
Prince George's County,
xvi, 40.
Warner, William, 9, 159.
Warrant of escheat, 294.
Special, 204.
Waters, Joseph, 9, 29.
Thomas, 9, 29, 88.
Watherly, John, 9, 159.
Weagly, Abraham, 179, 445.
Wearing apparel, Retention of,
by released debtor, 160, 337,
Weather, Inclemency of, x, 36,
112, 119.
Weems, Thomas, 184, 262, 299;
Act for the relief of, xliii,
2201, 303, 399, 304, 305, 306,
307, 335-338 (text).
Weisenthal (Weisenthall), Dr.
Charles, 252, 253, 267, 269,
271, 289.
West, Samuel, 467.
Westbag, William, 252.
Westbury, Manor of, 332.
Western Shore treasurer, 115,
147, 149, 253, 335; see also
Hammond, Charles.
Westminster Hall, England, 27.
Weston, Thomas, of Plymouth,
Mass., 277, 331.
Wheat, see Threshing machine.
Whiping Dick (Sheriff Richard
Lee, of Charles County),
Whipping of prisoners by sher-
iffs orders, 469.
Whitbey, William, 417.
White, Christopher, 9, 159.
James, 466, 467.
James, Frederick County, 179,
James, Queen Ann's County,
180, 445.
Whittington, William, 462.
Wilcox, Borden, 184, 262, 445.
Williams, Walter, 468.
Williamson, Rev. Mr. Alex-
ander, 466, 467
Wills and inventories, Confusion
in, 94, 408, 409.
Wills and testamentary proceed-
ings, Record books of, 95-
Wilmott, John, 333.
Wilson, Jonathan, 450.
Lawrence, of Frederick
County, 176.
Samuel (Somerset County),
37, 49, 59, 64, 67; on Comm.
on expiring laws, 40; on
Comm. to inspect the .....
commissioners ..... for pay-
ing off the public claims, 7,
32, 41; Samuel, sent by the
Lower House, 7, n, 45, 46,
55; votes, 51, 60, 63.
"Winfield", Talbot County, 434.
Wines, Non-importation of, 460.
Wingate, Thomas, 180, 445.
Witnesses, Right to summon,
109, in, 270.
Wolstenholme, Daniel (St.
Mary's County), 70; votes,
70, 83.
Wolves, crows and squirrels,
Act to encourage the de-
stroying of, Act to repeal
part of, xxxviii, 24, 29, 35,
59, 61, 65, 85, 86, 91, 118,
153 (text), 191, 192, 203,
260, 262, 278, 279-280, 284,
307,328 (text).
Wood, Joseph, 450.
Wootton, Thomas Sprigg
(Frederick County), xvi,
23, 84, 208, 267, 271, 296,
298, 372, 376, 383, 398, 399:
on Comm. to answer the
Upper House on the regula-
tion of fees, 399; sent by the
Lower House, 31, 111, 352,
357, 359, 362, 363, 380, 387,
397, 400, 409, 415; votes,
114, 233, 259, 287, 296, 377,
399, 410, 414, 427.
Worcester County, Clerk of, 442.
Delegates of, xvii, 37, 41, 205,
208, 222, 286.
Deputy surveyor of, 94.
Justices of, 186, 188, 263, 275.
Land records of, 442.
Sheriff of, xvii, 286.
see also Somerset County.
Work houses, see Alms houses.
Worthington, Brice Thomas
Beale (Anne Arundel
County), 37, 53, 54, 55, 58,
61, 64, 70, 86, 109, 205, 273,
372, 381, 394, 309, 458, 462;
Chairman of the Committee
of the Whole, 217, 221, 222,
223, 224, 226, 228, 234-
250; on Comm. to answer
the Upper House on the
regulation of fees, 399; on
Comm. on bill for amending
the staple of tobacco, 214;
on Comm. to enquire into
Clayton petition, 228; on
Comm. to enquire into Cum-
ming petition, 288; on
Comm. of grievances and
courts of justice, 41, 210,
375; on Comm. to inspect
the ..... Commissioners for
Emitting Bills of Credit,
173, 195, 198, 209, 293, 350,
377, 378; on Comm. to in-
spect the ... Commission-
ers ... for paying off the
public claims, 7, 32, 41, 46;
on Comm. on the state of
the criminal law, 265; sent
by the Lower House, 7, 45,
172, 173, 207, 209, 210, 257,
350, 370, 378, 381, 428;