372, 376, 383, 394, 450; on
Comm. to enquire into Clay-
ton petition, 228; on Comm.
of grievances and courts of
justice, 210; sent by the
Lower House, 18, 21, 23, 29,
77, 81, 84, 91, 172, 207, 257,
369, 428; votes, 52, 60, 63,
68, 71, 83, 114,233,259,287,
296, 377, 391, 399, 410, 414,
Lux, William, 74.
Lynn, Robert, 12, 159.
McComas, Alexander, 56.
Maccubbin, Nicholas, 457.
McCullock (McCulloch), Alex-
ander, 9, 159.
McEldowney, John, 9.
McGlamery, Edward, 9, 159.
Mackall, Benjamin, IV (Calvert
County), 37, 205, 217, 258,
264, 272, 273, 372, 383, 415,
462; on Cumm. to enquire
into Barnes petition, 257,
286; on Comm. to enquire
into Gumming petition, 384;
on Comm. to enquire into
Pomeroy petition, 224; on
Comm. to enquire into peti-
tion of E. Tilghman et als.,
293; on Comm. of griev-
ances and courts of justice,
375; on Comm. to inspect
the public offices, 48, 210,
232-233; sent by the
Lower House, 24, 30, 31, 85,
92, 93, 111, 173, 184, 209,
262, 274, 290, 350, 355, 379,
393, 394; votes, 52, 68, 71,
83, "4, 233, 259, 287, 296,
377, 391, 309, 410, 414, 427.
Maddin (Madden), Mordecai,
12, 159.
Madewell, Alexander, 386, 403.
James, 386, 403.
Magruder, Samuel Wade, 229.
Zachr., 466.
"Major's Security", Worcester
County, 281, 341, 342.
Mankin, John, 180, 445.
Manufacture, see also Iron
Market, Clerk of, 439-441.
Market house in Frederick
Town, 100, 279, 297, 305,
353, 357, 383, 387, 390, 397,
308, 431, 437-441 (text).
Marlbridge, Statute of, 27.
Marshall, Isaac, of Worcester
County, 94.
"Marshalls Addition," Worces-
ter County, 94.
Martin, Thomas, 325.
"Mary Taylor's Plantation", see
"Thompsons Purchase".
Maryland Gazette, x, xi, xii, xv,
xvi, xvii, xviii, xix, xxv,
xxxii, xxxv, xxxvi, xxxviii,
xl, xliii, 25, 45, 81, 111, 145,
155, 210, 260, 299, 301, 305,
306, 310, 340, 370, 431, 457,
470, 476, 480.
Maryland Historical Magazine,
xi, xii, xv.
Maryland-Pennsylvania boun-
dary, 442.
Mason, Richard, 13, 173, 416,
Masters of ships and vessels, To
bring transcript of record of
convicted felons, 166.
Matters of fact, Act for the tryal
of, see Trial of matters of
Matthews, John (Baltimore
County), xvii, 172, 207, 231,
232, 280, 286; sent by the
Lower House, 176, 182, 184,
218, 254, 261, 275; votes,
233, 259-
Mattingly, Luke, 180, 445.
Maxwell, Pclcr, 13, 173.
Medford, Macall, 464.
Thomas, 464.
Medical care for the poor, 444.
Medium of commerce, xxv, 36,
Meeke (Meek), John Brooker,
of Charles County, 295, 301.
Meridian line, Marking of, in
each county, 472.
Meroney, Philip, xxxiii-xxxiv,
267, 270, 288, 289.
Middle River Upper Hundred,
Milburn, Stephen, 310.
Miller, John, 262; see also
Brown, John.
Joseph, 9, 29, 88.
Joseph, Baltimore County,
184, 262, 445.
Philip, 252.
Mills, Edward, 9, 159.
William, 198, 282, 349, 365;
see also Duckett, John.
Mine Run Hundred, 333.
Mitchel, Capt., ix.
Mitchell, Abraham, 350, 356,
385, 394, 441, 442; see also
Lightfoot, Thomas.
John, 25, 26.
William, 180, 445.
Moale, John ( Baltimore County) ,
xvii, 7, 45, 56; on Comm. to
inspect the public offices,
48; votes, 52.
R[ichard], 252, 267, 269, 288.
Money bills, House claim to sole
right over, 407.
Monies, public, see Public
Moore, John, 417.
Moore (Moor), William, 9, 159.
Mordecaij, Mordeca, 252.
Morns, James, 180, 445.
Morris, John, 9, 159.
Mortgage, to be endorsed with
account for which passed,
Murdock, William, 462.
William, deceased, of Prince
George's County, xvi, 40.
Murphey, see Murphy.
Murphy, James, 434.
Mary (Coursey), Mrs. Phile-
mon, 435.
(Murphey), Philemon, of
Queen Anne's County, 28,
293, 305, 433, 435, 436.
Murray, Isaac, 186, 266.
James, 462.
John, 56.
Muse, Thomas, 462.
Myers, Jacob, 252, 253, 267, 269,
Nanticoke Indians, commis-
sioners for compensating,
accounts of, 24-26, 32, 65,
Commissioners for selling the
lands of, see Nanticoke In-
dians, commissioners for
Nanticoke Indians, see also
Naturalization act, 9, 13, 18, 42,
47, 50, 51, 77, 120 (text);
Naturalization act, see also
Haldimand, Peter.
Naval Officer, 478.
Navigation of rivers, see name
of river concerned.
Neale, John, joiner, 51.
Negroes, additional duty on
importation of, Act to im-
pose, 29, 62, 80, 89, 91, 92.
Negroes imported into this
province, Act to impose a
further duty on, 194, 195,
201, 259, 265, 289, 200, 350,
358, 377, 399; see also
Schools, county, Better sup-
port of.
Neile, Rev. Hugh, 13, 173.
New England money, 277.
New York merchants, Violation
on non-importation agree-
ment by, xii.
Newton, Capt., 469.
Nicholls, Simon, 467.
Thomas, 467.
Nicholson, Capt., 469.
Noble, Francis, 9.
Noel, Edward (Dorchester
County), xvi, 17, 72, 205,
231, 234, 264; on Comm. to
enquire into Clayton peti-
tion, 228; votes, 83, 114, 287,
Non-importation, Resolution of,
xi-xii, 458-462.
Non-importation, see also Im-
portation of goods, Lessen-
ing of.