Enrollment of a deed, omission
of. Act to remedy, 356, 357,
371, 381-382, 394, 396, 398,
400,407,431,441-442 (text);
see also Lightfoot, Thomas
et als., Petition of.
Errickson, Matthew, 180, 445.
Escape, Action of, 48, 51, 162,
337, 447.
Evil practices of sheriffs, see
Sheriffs, Act for the direc-
tion of.
Examiner-General, 478; Amount
of fees of, 219, 232, 248-249,
410, 414, 430-431.
Exchange, Rate of, 150
Executions, Cost of, 89-90.
Family, Definition of, 360, 404.
Fanning, Thomas, 9, 159.
Fees claimed by sheriff, Account
and receipt to be given, 153.
Commutation of, into salary,
Discharge of culprits on pay-
ment of, 76, 1 16, 289.
Excessive and illegal, xxvii-
xxviii, 90, 280, 374, 379, 412,
419, 420, 430-431; see also
Steuart, William,
for private acts, see Acts,
for writs, 15, 26, 27, 28, 66,
73, 90.
of attorneys, Act to ease .....
the payment of, xxxii, 194,
195, 200, 288, 303-304, 367,
370, 413, 421, 427, 428, 430.
of lawyers, xxx, 233, 367, 369,
395, 401, 412.
of officers, xxvii, xxx, xxxi,
219, 232-233, 300, 304, 305,
353, 36i, 368, 369, 395, 397,
398, 401, 411, 414; Act for
the limitation of, see To-
bacco, staple of, Act for
amending; Discharge of,
188; Regulation of, 214, 216,
217, 221, 222, 223, 234-250,
361, 366, 380, 390, 395, 397,
398, 401-2, 420, 425; see also
Lower House, Comm. of the
whole house.
Table of, 90, 412, 414, 429.
Felonies, see Trial.
Felons, see Convicted felons.
Fences, height of, Act to ascer-
tain, xxxix, 23, 29-30, 35,
44, 50, 52, 78, 83, 85, 86, 91,
118, 154-156 (text).
Fendal, Philip Richard, Clerk
of Charles County, 89, 280
Fentham, William Wyatt, 51,
67, 87, 116.
Ferrell (Ferrel), James, 9, 159
Field, John, 9, 159.
Fines and forfeitures, 113, 148
Fire wood measure, see Balti-
more Town, Flour.
Fish and oysters, Sale of, 439.
Fisher, Josephine, xli.
Fitzhugh, William (Upper
House), xv, 13, 16, 24, 171,
176, 177, 181, 194, 353; sent
by the Upper House, 14, 18,
19, 20, 23, 29, 30, 34, 62, 77,
78, 8o, 83, 92, 118, 174, 175,
176, 1 88, 189, 194, 198, 200,
210, 215, 216, 272, 274, 275,
291, 293, 303, 355, 358, 359,
363, 370, 399, 415, 429.
Flax seed measure, see Balti-
more Town, Flour.
Flour and bread, Sale of, 439;
staves and shingles, see
Baltimore Town, Flour.
Flowers (for printing paper
money), 133, 134, 135.
Ford, Capt., 469.
fford, Jacob, 417.
Fork of Gunpowder, 333.
Forty (pounds of tobacco) per
poll, 287; see also Allen,
Rev. Bennett.
Foreign coins, Value of, in ster-
ling, 142.
Foreman, Joseph, 35, 26.
Forgery, Penalty for, 135.
Forster (Foster), Abraham, 9,
Fourteen pence tonnage tax, sec
Tonnage tax.
Foxes, Red, see Crows.
Francis, Basil, 179, 445.
Franklin, Samuel, 350, 356, 385,
394, 441, 442; see also
Lightfoot, Thomas.
Walter, 350, 356, 385, 394, 441,
442; see also Lightfoot,
Frederick County courts, see
Anne Arundel County
Delegates of, xvi, xvii, 18, 23,
38, 40, 77, 84, 205, 372.
Deputy surveyor of, 50; see
also Hanson, John, Junr.
Free public school in, 8, 21,
49; Act to appropriate land
for the use of, xl, 21, 29, 35,
78, 81, 82, 86, 91, 118, 153-
154 (text).
Jail of, 57.
Justices of, 438, 439, 440, 444,
Petition for widening of the
public roads, 179, 229, 231.
Poor relief in, xlii, 443-445
Sheriff of, 40, 115; see also
Scott, George.
Special election in, 40.
Trustees for the poor, 444.
Frederick Parish, Frederick
County, 357, 364, 369. 394,
418; see also All Saints
Frederick Town, in Frederick
County, Act to establish a
market in, 305, 352, 357,
371, 383, 387, 390, 397, 398,
431, 438-441 (text).
Petition of sundry inhabitants
in, for a market house in,
xlii, 190, 279, 305, 352.
Free schools in Somerset and
Worcester Counties, Union
of, 183, 189, 190, 203, 275,
279, 306, 325-326.
Free schools, see also counties
by name.
French, George, 9, 159.
Frisby, Richard, 464.
Gaither, Ann, 295, 381, 427-428.
Cassandra, 428.
Samuel, 428.
Gale, Levin (Somerset County),
49, 65, 67, 205, 217, 230, 258,
266, 325; Commissioner to
compensate the Nanticoke
Indians, 26, 32, 65; on
Comm. on bill for amend-
ing the staple of tobacco,
214; on Comm. to enquire
into Clayton petition, 228;
on Comm. of grievances
and courts of justice, 210;
sent by the Lower House,
181, 183, 234, 257, 260;
votes, 51, 60, 63, 233, 259.
Galleries, Private, in churches,
Galloway, Moses, 386, 387, 402,
Mr. [Samuel?], 469.
Gantt, Edward (Calvert
County, 37, 41, 53, 60, 61,
75, 205, 222, 224, 228, 265,
271, 273, 372, 406, 411, 462;
on Comm. of grievances
and courts of justice, 210;
on Comm. to inspect the
public offices, 48, 210; on
Comm. to tax the Hart-
Myers fees, 289; sent by
the Lower House, 3, 11, 23,
30, 38, 55, 84, 93, 198, 257,
294, 355, 384, 394; votes,
60, 83, 114, 233, 259, 287,
296, 377, 391, 399, 410.
Gant[t], Capt. Thomas, 468.
Garland, Jeremiah, 13, 173, 182.
George, 182.
Garretson, Job, xxxiv, 386, 387,
402, 403.
Garth, Charles, xx, 92.
Gassaway, Henry, Clerk to
Comm. of accounts, xx, 47.
Gearry, Andrew, 358.
General Assembly, sec Assembly.
Ghiselin, Reverdy (Clerk of the
Provincial Court and of the
Secretary's Office, xxxi, 47,
53, 168, 208, 343, 375, 376,