Act to continue and adjourn,
xxxvi, 182, 183, 184, 185,
255, 256, 260, 261, 263, 314-
315 (text),
clerk of, Fees to, 249.
Apprentices, Act ... to bind
out, xxxviii, II, 12, 13, 19,
44, 50, 55, 57, 59, 77, 121
Appropriations, Lower House
claim to sole right of, 113.
Upper House claim to amend,
Assault by sheriff on prisoner,
51; see also Lee, Richard,
Sheriff of Charles County.
Assembly, Dissolution of, xi.
Power of, over fees, 300.
Prorogation of, ix, x, xi, 36,
119, 204, 307, 369, 371, 379,
413; Effect of, 379, 408.
Selection of time for meeting
of, 171, 174, 175, 206.
Atkinson, John, 281.
Attorney General, Fees of, 200;
see also Province, Attorney
Attorneys, Farewell of, to Gov.
Sharpe. ix.
Attorneys' fees, see Fees of at-
Bailey, John Baptist, 9, 445.
(Baily), Nathaniel, 9, 159
Baker, Francis, 187, 270, 274,
275, 339.
Henry, deceased, of Cecil
County, xvi, xvii, 40, 199,
274, 275; Act directing sale
of ... lands of, ... for the
payment of ... [his] debts,
199, 201, 203-204, 270, 298,
30i, 305, 306, 307, 339-341
(text) 407.
Henry, [Jr.], 275, 339.
Isaac, Account of, against the
province, 81.
Jeremiah, 274, 275, 339.
Samuel, of Francis, 275, 339.
Thomas, 13.
Balser, John, 179, 445.
Baltimore City, see Baltimore
Baltimore County, Alms and
work house for, 17, 179, 227,
Clerk of the court of, 56, 115.
Court house and public prison,
Act to erect, 126.
Court of, Act to adjourn and
continue, xli, 347, 348, 373,
374, 433 (text); time of,
Delegates of, xvii, 7, 45, 172,
176, 207, 218.
Election in, 12, 56, 75; Act for
appointing places to hold,
xxxii-xxxiii, 14, 16, 17, 18,
19, 61, 62, 71, 72, 74, 75, 78,
117, 126-127 (text), 221,
222-223, 251; Act to hold
at the places therein men-
tioned, 190, 232, 267, 275,
Petition against the sheriff of,
41, 52, 56.
Petition of sundry inhabitants
of, 14, 17.
Poor relief in, 227; see also
Baltimore County, Alms
and work house for.
Roads of, Act for repairing,
xlii, 212.
Sheriff of, 12, 41, 56, 74, 115,
126, 386; see also Chamier,
Baltimore Town, Flour, staves
and shingles, act to regulate
export of, Supplementary
act to, 298, 387, 419, 427.
Market house in, 126.
Nuisance in, Act to remove,
317; see also Harrison,
Smallpox in, xxxii, xl, 12, 126,
Bank of England stock, 32, 145,
Barey (Berry), William, 9.
Barkley, Henry, 405.
Bamaby, Elias, 252.
Barnes, Col. Abraham, 174, 210,
211, 257, 276-278, 331, 332,
Elizabeth (Coursey), Mrs.
Francis, Jr., 435.
Francis, Junr., of Queen
Anne's County, 28, 293, 305,
433, 435, 436.
Barney, Moses, 9, 29, 88, 184,
262, 445.
Bashaw, Thomas, Somerset
County, 420.
Baxter, William (Cecil County),
61, 293, 372; on Comm. to
enquire into Gaither peti-
tion, 381; sent by the
Lower House, 14, 62, 349,
376; votes, 63, 69, 71, 83,
114, 206, 377, 391, 399, 410,
414, 427.
Bayard, Peter, late of Cecil
County, 147, 196.
Beall, Ann, 417.
George, Jr., 229.
Beall, Josias (Prince George's
County), 37, 68, 71, 212,257,
273, 372, 374, 399, 462; on
Comm. to answer the Upper
House on the regulation of
fees, 399; on Comm. to
assess fees against Daniel
Chamier, 402; on Comm.
on compass variations, 45;
on Comm. on emitting bills
of credit, 54; on Comm. to
enquire into Heard petition,
224, 230; on Comm. to en-
quire into Pomeroy petition,
224, 257-258; on Comm. to
enquire into the petition
against the sheriff of Balti-
more County, 52; on Comm.
of grievances and courts of
justice, 375, 387-389, 416-
418, 419-420; on Comm. to
inspect the ..... Commis-
sioners for remitting bills of
credit, 350, 377, 378; on
Comm. to inspect the .....
Commissioners ..... for pay-
ing off the public claims, 7,
32, 33, 41; on Comm. to
tax the costs on the com-
plaint against the Baltimore
County sheriff, 76; on
Comm. to tax the Hart-
Myers fees, 289; sent by
the Lower House, 7, 13, 18,
29, 30, 45, 46, 59, 60, 71, 77,
91, 92, 117, 191, 194, 198,
257, 280, 290, 294, 370, 428;
votes, 52, 6o, 63, 83, 114,
233, 287, 296, 377, 390, 392,
399, 410, 414, 427.
Samuel, 450.
Beck, Edwd., 464.
Beckerer (Becherer), Frederick,
179, 192, 285, 376, 445.
Bedding, Retaining of, by lan-
guishing prisoners, 161, 447.
Belt, Benjamin, Jr., 419.
Benefit of clergy, 135.
Benney (Benny), John, 180, 445.
Benson, George, 180, 445.
Benton, Vincent, 13, 173.
Berry, see Barey.
Betsey (ship), xii.
Bills defeated, 15, 23, 24, 29, 65,
81, 83, 92, 115, 116, 187,
189, 190, 201, 272, 274, 304,
306, 358, 359, 363, 365, 370,
377, 399, 403, 415, 416, 421,
Bills of credit, Act for emitting,
xxxv, 17, 19, 22, 23, 35, 49,
53, 54, 65, 70, 71, 79, 82, 85,
118, 133-151 (text).
Burning of, 32, 142, 197.
Commissioners for emitting,
133 passim, 196, 197, 198,
282, 294, 349, 376, 377, 397,
478; Office expenses of,
197; Office hours of, 136;
Stationery for, 137.
Commissioners for sinking,
Fund for sinking, 145.
Printing of, 133-134, T9o, 197-
Rate of emission of, 138.
see also Public claims.
Bills of exchange, 32.
damages upon protest of, Act
to ascertain, xxxviii-xxxix,
11, 12, 13, 19, 44, 50, 54, 57,
59, 78, 123 (text).