And be it further Enacted that the Freeholders of the said New
erected Parishes called Eden and Frederick Parishes shall have full
and ample Power to meet at their respective Parish Churches afore-
said on the Easter Monday next after the Death or Removal of the
said Incumbent and then & there elect and Make Choice of Six
Vestrymen and two Church Wardens in and for each of the same
Parishes who shall be the Vestrymen and Church Wardens of the
said respective Parishes for the ensuing Year and the same after-
wards to alter and renew at such times and in such manner as the
Laws of this Province do direct and Provide for other Parishes and
that the said Vestrymen and Church Wardens of each of the said
Parishes shall be Vested with the same Powers Priviledges and
Authorities as Vestrymen and Church Wardens of other Parishes
within this Province are vested with and shall be Liable and Subject
to the same Penalties and Forfeitures and in such manner as the Laws
of this Province have Provided in like Cases
[The Free-
holders of
the said new
erected Par-
ishes, after
such Death
or Removal,
are em-
powered to
elect Vestry-
men &c.]