All which is submitted to the Consideration of the House.
Signed per Order Ralph Dobinson Cl.
Which was read and concurred with
William Hayward, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to M.r
Speaker, the Bill, entitled, An Act for the Establishment of a Chapel
of Ease in Saint Peter's Parish, in Talbot County; thus indorsed:
"By the Upper House of Assembly, November 15.th 1770: Read the
first and second Time, by an especial Order, and will pass.
Signed by Order, U Scott Cl. Up. Ho."
Which was read here and passed for ingrossing
William Fitzhugh, Esq from the Upper House, delivers to M.r
Speaker, the Bill, entitled, An Act for explaining a Clause, in An
Act, entitled, An Act for the Encouragement of an Iron Manufacture
within this Province; thus indorsed: "By the Upper House of As-
sembly, November 15.th 1770: Read the first and second Time, by
an especial Order, and will not pass.
Signed by Order, U Scott Cl. Up. Ho."
Ordered, That the Serjeant at Arms attending this House, do take
into his Custody, the Body of Michael Lowe, of Prince George's
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