On what Reasons the Governor was advised or thought Proper
to Prorogue the Assembly lately, we are not at large to inform You,
but they were such as we are Persuaded can be fully sustained on the
Principles of our Constitution.
The Points between us in this Session, are, whether our Staple
shall be under the Regulation from which so great Benefits have been
incontestably derived [for] a Course of Twenty three Years to this
Province, and to the Neighboring and for a much longer Period,
whether there shall be provided a convenient Method of Complying
with an Act of Parliament, founded most Probably upon the In-
spection Act, whether the Fee of Officers and Lawyers shall be pay-
able in Tobacco or Money at the rate of 12/6 per 200lbs, at the
Choice of the People, as may best Suit their Circumstances, and
the Poll Tax in Tobacco or Money at the same Rate, with the small
Addition of 2lb Per Poll, in case of Money Payments; whether the
old Regulation, originally established on much Deliberation, and
continued by so many different Assemblies, shall stand, except in
such Instances wherein Abuses are justly chargeable to its defects,
in Respect of which, on their being properly and regularly Pointed
out on a Conference, we have repeatedly expressed our willingness
to join you, in explaining, correcting, altering or enforceing the Pro-
visions, We have most clearly and expressly declared our Desire
that a Law might Pass for the above Purposes, unhappily, we fear
for the Province, you differ with us in Opinion, and therefore we
have returned your Bill with a Negative, extremely sorry, that the
Time taken up has been Productive of so great expence, and so little
Advantage to the Country.
Signed by Order U Scott Cl. Up. Ho.
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 20
p. 519
Mess:rs Chase and Johnson bring up a Bill, entitled "An Act to
continue the Power of Inspectors, and for other Purposes therein
mentioned." Read the first and second time by an Especial Order, in
the Lower House and will Pass — which was Read the first Time
in this House and ordered to lie on the Table.
Adjourned until to Morrow Morning 10 of the Clock
p. 520