32 Assembly Proceedings, November 17-December 20, 1769.
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Dec. 20
the Public Claims, and Emitting Bills of Credit Established by Act
of Assembly
Were Present
[Benedict Calvert Esq. and
The Honble of the Upper House.
Walter Dulany Esq
"M.r Thomas Ringgold
M.r Charles Grahame
M.r Samuel Wilson
M.r B. T. B. Worthington
Of the Lower
M.r James Dickinson
M.r Josias Beall
M.r John Eden, and
M.r Henry Steele
Who make Choice of and appoint the Honourable Benedict Calvert
Esq. Chairman, and James Brooks their Clerk, and agree to make
the following Report Viz:t
Your Committee find, that, by an Account of the Trustees in
London Dated, the 22:d of May 1769, that there was then £34,000
Capital Stock in the Bank of England, belonging to the Province,
which Cost £44004.. 12..9 and a Balance of £138..5..4 not invested
That, of the Bills drawn by the late Commissioners, there was
then Still unpaid one Bill amounting to £637..16..—which had not
been presented, that the Trustees have, by an Account dated the
26.th of April 1768, passed to the Credit of this Province £317.. 19..6,
received in three Bills of Exchange Remitted by the late Commis-
Your Committee have made some small Progress in Examining
the Vouchers and Receipts for the Payments made by the Commis-
sioners to the Sundry Claimants on the Public, and find them Right
as far as their Examination has proceeded, but the Business of the
Session, and the Severity of the Season have rendered it impossible
for your Committee to finish the whole
p. 439 Your Committee have paid to Sundry Claimants, for
Allowances on the Journal and List of Debts, this
209 2/ 9
Present Session ............................
To His Excellency the Governor, as per Act of As-
sembly passed this Session ....................
To the Commissioners for Selling the Lands of the
Nanticoke Indians for their Commission and Ex-
204 2/ 9
pences ....................................
To Sundries, for Torn and defaced Bills which your
Committee have Burnt .......................
22 11/18
There is Still due to Sundry Claimants on the Journal
and List of debts ............................
And there remains in the Iron Chest unapplied ......
8930 7/18
22664 4/ 9