N.o 4 An Act for Abolishing June County Courts and for other Purposes
therein mentioned
p. 52
Whereas it is by experience found that the County Court held
in the Month of June within this Province is very Prejudicial and
of Great hindrance to the necessary Business of the People in that
Season of the Year for Remedy whereof for the future
Be it enacted by the right Honourable the Lord Proprietary by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governor and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of
the same That June Court hitherto held in every County Be and is
hereby discontinued and abolished and that every matter or thing
directed and required by any Law of this Province to be done used
and practised at June Court shall for the future be done used and
practised at the August Court in every County as fully and effectually
to all Intents Constructions and Purposes as the same hath hitherto
been done used and practised at June Court aforesaid any Law
usage or Custom to the Contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
[Every Mat-
ter or Thing
done at June
Court, shall
in future be
done at
Court in
Whereas by the Discontinuing and abolishing June Court it is
thought reasonable That the time for limitting the Continuance of
Actions in the several and respective County Courts within this
Province should be shortened
[By abolish-
ing June
Be it therefore Enacted that all Actions returnable to the next
November County Courts or thereafter to be commenced in any
County Court of this Province may be continued to the end of the
third Court after the Appearance Court and no Longer unless it
shall appear by affidavit to the Satisfaction of the Court that Testi-
mony Material in such suit is really wanting and that the party
alledging the same to be wanting or his Attorney or Agent hath
used his reasonable endeavours for procuring such Witnesses or
how long to
be con-