And the Bill entitled An Act to continue the Power of Inspectors
and for other Purposes therein mentioned, thus indorsed. "By the
Upper House of Assembly October 30:th 1770 Read the first Time
and ordered to lie on the Table
Signed by Order U Scott Cl. Up. Ho."
And thus "By the Upper House of Assembly October 30:th 1770
Read the second Time by an especial Order and will pass with the
following Amendments Viz.t In the Title, leave out the Words "and
for other Purposes therein mentioned" and aftef the word "Ware-
houses" in the 12:th Line of the second Page leave out the Residue
of the Bill-
Signed by Order U Scott Cl. Up. Ho."
The Order of the Day for taking into Consideration the Report
of the Committee appointed to inspect the several Publick Offices
&.ta being read; the same is referred for further Consideration
To Morrow Morning
The Order of the Day for taking into Consideration the Variation
of the Compass &.ta being read; the same is referred for Considera-
tion To-morrow Morning
The House adjourns till To-Morrow Morning Eight O'Clock