Viz.t Strike out the Names of "William Lock, Joseph Miller, John
Rourke, John Smith, Moses Barney, Thomas Waters, John Brown,
and Isaac Dawson, of Baltimore County, and Charles Kedwards of
Ann Arundel County" — Sent by Benedict Calvert Esq. together with
the following Message.
By the Upper House of Assembly 18.th December 1769
Upon Representations made to this House, since the Petitions of
William Lock, Joseph Miller, John Rourke John Smith Moses
Barney Thomas Waters John Brown and Isaac Dawson of Baltimore
County, and Charles Kedwards of Ann Arundel County, were re-
ferred to your Consideration, We think the above named Persons
are not proper Objects of Relief, and have therefore, by Our Amend-
ment to the Bill, Entitled "An Act for the Relief of certain Languish-
ing Prisoners in the Several Goals therein Mentioned," proposed to
Strike out their Names.
Signed by Order U: Scott Cl. Up. Ho.
Adjourned until to Morrow Morning 10 of the Clock.
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Dec. 18
Tuesday Morning December 19:th 1769.
This House met again according to Adjournment.
Present and Yesterday and Col.o Hammond.
Mess.rs Johnson and Lucket bring up a Bill, Entitled An Act to aid
the Navigation of Potowmack River — Read the first and Second time
in the Lower House, and will Pass, Read the first time in this House
and Ordered to lye on the Table.
Mess.rs Hayward and Contee bring up a Bill, Entitled an Act for
imposing a further Additional Duty of ten Pounds Current Money
per Poll on all Negroes imported into this Province. Read the first
and Second time in the Lower House, and will Pass — Read the first
and Second time, by an Especial Order, in this House, and will not
Pass — so Endorsed & Sent by W.m Fitzhugh Esq.
Dec. 19
Mess.rs Beall and Buchanan bring up the following Engrossed
Bills, Read and Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly
A Bill, Entitled an Act to repeal part of an Act to encourage the
destroying of Wolves Crows and Squirrells
A Bill Entitled An Act to Appropriate the half Acre of Ground,
therein mentioned, to the Use of the Publick School in Frederick
A Bill Entitled a Supplementary Act to the Act entitled an Act
ascertaining the Height of Fences, to prevent the Evils occasioned
by the Multitude of Horses, and restraining Horse Rangers within
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