264 Assembly Proceedings, September 25-November 2, 1770.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Oct. 18
M.r Dickinson, M.r Mackall, M.r J. Hall and M.r N. Thomas do
prepare and bring in the same
The House adjourns till To-morrow Morning Eight O'Clock
Oct. 19
Friday 19:th October 1770
The House met according to Adjournment
The Members were called and all appeared as on Yesterday
The Proceedings of Yesterday were read —
M.r Hooper, M.r Noel, and M.r Aquila Hall appeared in the House
The Bill entitled An Act impowering the Justices of Queen Ann's
and Talbot Counties to assess the taxable Inhabitants of Saint Paul's
Parish in the said Counties the Sums of Tobacco therein mentioned
for building a Church and repairing the Chapel in the said Parish
Read a second Time and Will Pass — Sent to the Upper House by
M.r Wright and M.r Hopper. They return and acquaint M.r Speaker
they delivered the Bill
M.r Wootton brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker the Petition of
the Freeholders and Inhabitants of Prince George's Parish in Fred-
erick and Prince George's Counties praying for an immediate Divi-
sion of the said Parish. Which was read the first and second Time &
p. 109
M.r Eden brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker the Petition of
Zachariah Bond youngest of Saint Mary's County praying to be
heard on the Petition of John Horrell against being relieved from
his Imprisonment and that a Day may be appointed for a Hearing
and Subpoenas issued for Witnesses Which was read the first Time
and ordered to lie on the Table
The Bill entitled an Act to impower the Justices of Somerset and
Worcester Counties to levy on the taxable Inhabitants of Stepney
Parish in said Counties the Quantity of Eighty thousand Pounds of
Tobacco for the Uses therein mentioned Read a second Time and
will pass — Sent to the Upper House by M.r Allen and M.r Selby.
They return and acquaint M.r Speaker they delivered the Bill
The Petition of Zachariah Bond was read a second Time
Ordered, That a Hearing be had on the Petition of John Horrell
on Monday the twenty ninth Instant and that Subpoenas issue for
the Persons mentioned in the Petition of Zachariah Bond returnable
to that Day
Ordered, That Subpoena issue for John Briscoe, Merchant, to
appear at the Bar of this House on Monday the twenty ninth Instant
to testify on Behalf of John Horrell
M.r Goldsborough from the Committee of Accounts brings in and
delivers to M.r Speaker the Account of Col.o Charles Hammond
Treasurer of the Western Shore