Be it enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governor and the
Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of the same
That from and after the End of this Session of Assembly the party
grieved who shall take up any such Horse Mare or Gelding Trespassing
as aforesaid shall be and is hereby obliged and directed to set up such
Account so taken by the Magistrate as aforesaid describing the Marks
of such Beasts both natural and artificial at the Court House Door and
other Publick Places in the County where such Horse Mare or Geld-
ing shall be taken up within Five days after such Account taken and
moreover cause the Marks natural and artificial of such Horse Mare
or Gelding to be recorded amongst the Records of such County Court
within Five Days after such Account shall be taken and cause the same
to be Published in the Maryland Gazette in one Month if the said
Beast be taken up on the Western Shore and in Two Months if taken
up on the Eastern Shore after such Account shall be taken which Pub-
lication shall be continued Three Weeks Successively in the said
Gazette and the Expences arising thereon shall be paid by the Owner
or Owners of such Horse Mare or Gelding at the Time of his re-
ceiving any such Horse Mare or Gelding any Law Usage or Custom
to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding,
[Notice to
be given by
the Party
grieved; how
and in what