Acts. 149
Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, High Court of Chancery,
High Court of Appeals and Provincial Court Prerogative Court
and Land Office and that a Sum not exceeding Seven Thousand five
Hundred pounds Sterling be applied to the use and Purpose of build-
ing and finishing the same and enlarging repairing and inclosing the
Parade in the said City —
Liber R. G.
[Sum to be
for that
And be it further enacted That the said Superintendants or the
major part of them shall and they are hereby impowered and re-
quired as soon as conveniently may be to agree with proper Work-
men to build and Finish the said House in such manner and form
as to them shall seem most convenient for the Uses and Purposes
aforesaid and to Enlarge repair and inclose the said Parade in
Manner herein after directed and to purchase and provide all Mate-
rials necessary for the same and to cause the same to be with all
Convenient Dispatch built and Finished in a Strong and neat manner.
[The Super-
intendants to
agree with
and purchase
And be it further Enacted That the said Parade shall be Laid
with Flag or other Stone or Gravel and shall be inclosed with Iron
Pallisades to be set up and fixed upon a good Stone or Brick Wall —
Provided always That the Expence of the Iron and Working
thereof shall not exceed Five Hundred pounds Sterling and pro-
[The Parade
to be re-
paired and
vided also that the said Parade shall not be extended in Length
beyond the present Length thereof nor made to Exceed in the whole
Breadth thereof One Hundred and sixty feet And for defraying
the Expences thereof,
[Length and
Breadth of
the Parade
Be it further Enacted That the said Superintendants or the major
part of Them shall and may from Time to Time as the Money shall
be wanted draw Orders on the Honourable Charles Hammond
Esquire Treasurer of the Western Shore his Executors or Ad-
ministrators on Edward Lloyd Esquire late Treasurer of the Eastern
Shore his Executors or Administrators and on the Executors or
Administrators of James Hollyday Esquire, and Bedingfield Hands
Esq.r Late Treasurer of the Eastern Shore for all the Monies in
their Hands respectively subject to the Application of the general
Assembly at the Time of such Draft including the Monies received
by Them in Virtue of the said Act entitled an Act for Licensing
Ordinary Keepers, Hawkers Pedlars and Petty Chapmen whose
Orders for the same the said Treasurers or their Representatives
aforesaid are hereby required to pay. And the said Superintendants
or the major part of them may and shall apply the Monies to be so
received towards Defraying the Expence of Building and finishing
the said Stadt House and Enlarging repairing and inclosing the
said Parade. And if the same shall fall short of the necessary Ex-
pence thereof it shall and may be Lawful for the Commissioners
for emitting Bills of Credit to be appointed by Virtue of this Act
[The Super-
intendants to
draw Orders
on the pres-
ent Trea-
surer of the
Shore, and
on the late
Treasurer of
the Eastern
Shore, &c.
for all
Monies in