134 Assembly Proceedings, November 17-December 20, 1769.
Liber R. G
each Eighteen Thousand Bills of Half a Dollar each Twenty one
Thousand Bills of one Third part of a Dollar each Eighteen Thou-
sand Bills of Two-Ninth parts of a Dollar each, Eighteen Thou-
sand Bills of One sixth part of a Dollar each and Eighteen Thousand
[The Com-
to see the
Printing per-
p. 14
Bills of One Ninth part of a Dollar each. And the said Commis-
sioners are hereby Directed and required to use the best of their Care
and Diligence that the said Bills according to their respective De-
nominations aforesaid and according to the Manner and Form afore-
said be forthwith printed and that the Number of any of the De-
nominations thereof be not Exceeded or any Clandestine or Fraudu-
lent Practice used by the Printer his Apprentices Servants or others
concerned therein.
&c. to be
And be it Enacted that the Printer who shall be Employed in Print-
ing and Stamping the said Bills of Credit and all his Apprentices
and Servants which he may employ in the said Work shall before
he or they begin or enter upon the same take before some Justice of
[The oath.]
the Provincial or County Court the following Oath to wit "I A.B. do
swear that I will truly faithfully and Honestly perform the Duty
of Printer agreeable to the Directions of an Act of Assembly of this
Province entitled an Act for emitting Bills of Credit and other Pur-
poses therein mentioned and will not advisedly Print or Stamp any
greater Number of Blank Bills of Credit than in that Act mentioned
or of other Denominations than therein expressed except such Sheets
as may be Blotted unfair or imperfect in the impressing or Printing
thereof that the same shall be unfit for use. So Help me God." And if
[Penalty on
the Printer,
&c. for
Breach of
such Printer himself or any of his Apprentices or Servants with
his Privity shall Advisedly Print or Stamp any greater Number of
the Bills aforesaid or of any other Denominations than by this
Act is Limitted and expressed contrary to the True Intent & meaning
thereof such Printer shall Forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Hundred
pounds Current Money to be recovered by Action of Debt or Bill of
Indictment wherein not more than one Imparlance shall be allowed
And any Apprentice or Servant of such Printer who shall Advisedly
Print or Stamp any greater Number of the Bills aforesaid or of
any other Denominations than by this Act is Limitted and expressed
contrary to the True Intent & meaning thereof shall on Conviction
in due Course of Law receive Corporal Punishment by Whipping
not exceeding Thirty nine Stripes,
[One or both
the Commis-
sioners to
attend the
Press, &c.]
Be it also Enacted that the Printer of the said Bills shall not by
himself Servants or any other Person by him employed presume to
Print stamp stich or bind the said Bills or any of them but in the
Presence of one or both of the said Commissioners who are hereby
required and Directed to be present and at all Times when there shall
be any Intermission of the said Work of Printing or Binding the
said Commissioners shall safely and securely Lock up the Press
Stamps and Flowers with which the said Work shall be performed