Acts. 129
it shall and may be Lawfull for the Sheriff of Queen Anns County
aforesaid for the Time being to Levy and collect by way of Execu-
tion of and from the Taxable Inhabitants of Saint Lukes Parish
aforesaid in the same Manner that other Parish Taxes usually are
or may be Lawfully Levied and Collected,
Liber R. G.
Provided always And be it Enacted That the said Taxable In-
habitants may and they are hereby impowered to pay and Discharge
the said Assessments in the same Manner that other Parish Taxes
may be paid and Discharged by the Laws of this Province which
shall be in Force at the Time of Levying and Collecting the same.
[How to be
And be it further Enacted, That the Sheriff of Queen Anns
County aforesaid for the Time being shall and he is hereby required
to pay to the Vestrymen & Church Wardens of Saint Lukes Parish
aforesaid for the Time being or to their order all such Money and
Tobacco as he shall Collect and receive by Virtue of the said Assess-
ments and of this Act his Commission aforesaid excepted in such
manner and at such Time as other Parish or County Levies ought
to be paid by the said Sheriff
[The Money
or Tobacco
to be paid by
the Sheriff
to the Ves-
trymen and
And be it further Enacted That it shall and may be Lawfull to
and for the Vestrymen and Church Wardens of Saint Lukes Parish
aforesaid for the Time being and they are hereby Authorized and
impowered to apply and Lay out as well the said Money and Tobacco
so to be Levied Collected and paid as any Money and Tobacco now
[and to be
building a
in the Hands of the Vestry of the said Parish which became due
whilst the said Parish was without an Incumbent or otherwise in and
Towards the Building compleating and Finishing a new Chapel in the
Place where the old one now stands and to that End shall and may
Contract with Workmen for the Building and finishing thereof and
Purchase all Materials Necessary for the same,
p. 10
And be it further Enacted That the said Chapel so to be built when
the same shall be finished and Compleated shall be called Saint
Andrews Chapel and shall be a Chapel of Ease for the said Parish
and thereafter be Supported and repaired at the Charge of the said
[to be called
St. Andrew's
No. 13 A Supplementary Act to the Act entitled An Act for Laying out a
new and settling and ascertaining the future Bounds and Limits
of Saint Lukes Christ Church and Saint Johns Parishes in Queen