L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Dec. 20
Also an Act, entitled, An Act continuing an Act, entitled, An Act
for Trial of all Matters of Fact in the several Counties where they
have arisen, or shall arise; endorsed: "By the Upper House of As-
sembly, November 25.th 1769 Read the First Time and ordered to
lie on the Table.
Signed by Order U Scott Cl: Up: Ho:"
"By the Upper House of Assembly December 6. 1769 Read the
Second Time and will not pass.
Signed by Order U Scott Cl: Up: Ho:"
Ordered, That M.r Johnson and M.r E Tilghman, do wait on his
Excellency, and acquaint him that this House hath prepared an Ad-
dress to be presented to him and desires to know when and where he
will be pleased to receive it. They return and acquaint M.r Speaker
they delivered the Message, and that his Excellency was pleased to
signify he would receive the Address immediately in the Conference
Ordered, That M.r Speaker, attended by the whole House, do
present the Address.
The Report of the Committee of Grievances respecting the Clerk
of Charles County, referred to the Consideration of the next Session
of Assembly
M.r Beall brought in and delivered to M.r Speaker the following
By the Committee appointed to tax the Fees arising on the Com-
plaint of John Doncastle and William Wright against Richard Lee
jun.r Sheriff of Charles County.
Your Committee, in Obedience to the Order of the House, have
enquired into the Fees and Expences on the Complaint of John Don-
castle and William Wright, and do find the same as follow, to wit.