Introduction. lxxxv
thus warned, Green was neither formally admonished nor censured (p. 23).
It is not clear why Green failed to include these accounts of the Upper House
clerks in the printed Votes and Proceedings of the Lower House for the
November-December, 1765, session. They are to be found entered in full in the
manuscript libers of the journals of this house and are thus part of the official
Lower House record, and have already been printed in the Archives (Arch.
Md. LIX, 115-130, 216). They did, however, appear in print later in a pamphlet
with other material relating to the dispute about the clerks' salaries which was
issued from the Green press in September, 1766. The title of this rare pamphlet
is: Province of Maryland. Council Proceedings from loth of May, 1756, to
the 12th Nov. 1764. Jonas Green, Annapolis, 1766. It seems likely that Green
escaped censure by the Lower House on the promise of the publication of this
pamphlet containing the accounts.
No act for the publication of the Session Laws and the Votes and Proceedings
of the Lower House, and "for the encouragement of Jonas Green", was passed
at the May, 1766, session, but Green was ordered by the Lower House, on May
27th, to print the very recently enacted law "for reviving and continuing causes
and actions in the High Court of Appeals and in certain county courts, and
to distribute copies to the courts." It will be recalled that during the Stamp Act
excitement no court sessions had been held, and had not an act of revival and
continuance been passed all acts pending in the courts would have legally expired
(pp. 64, 83-84). At the November—December, 1766, Assembly, the usual act
was passed for printing the laws and Votes and Proceedings and "for the en-
couragement of Jonas Green" (pp. 238, 241). Why Green at this session made
"a representation" to the Assembly and what was its nature, the journals do not
disclose. After presentation in the Upper House on December 5th it was re-
ferred to the lower chamber, which promptly rejected it (pp. 131, 211-213).
One can conjecture whether this "representation" had any connection with the
episode which occurred at the preceding session when he was brought before the
bar of the house for not having published certain accounts, or whether he wanted
higher pay for his work as public printer, or whether he asked for payment for
printing the Proclamations of Governor Sharpe announcing the repeal by Par-
liament of the Stamp Act, for which the Lower House had refused to pay
(p. 102). It was probably the last. No copy of these Proclamations printed by
Green is known to be in existence. It would be interesting to know whether this
"representation" was presented in printed form, as had been a petition by him to
the 1762 Assembly asking increased pay (Arch. Md. LVIII, 578-579). Green
died April n, 1767. His career as "public printer" since 1738 had been a
notable one. He was succeeded by his widow, Anne Catharine Green, who con-
ducted the business alone until 1768, when her son, William Green, became
associated with her.
The 1768 Assembly passed the usual act for the publication of the Session
Laws, and the Votes and Proceedings, and, as it was now styled, for the "en-
couragement of Anne Catharine Green". It was drawn up along the same
lines as had been those passed at previous sessions for the encouragement of her
husband. The act concludes, however, with the statement, that following the