At a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis,
on Saturday the 1.st day of November, in the Sixteenth Year of his
Lordships Dominion, Anno Domini 1766.
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esq.r Governor
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 1
p. 320
Benjamin Tasker Esq..r
John Ridout Esq.r
The Honble
Benedict Calvert Esq.r
Henry Hooper Esq.r
Daniel Dulany Esq.r
Mess..rs James Holliday and John Hammond, from the Lower
House, acquaint His Excellency, that there are a Sufficient Number of
Members met to make a House, and wait His Excellencys Commands.
Benedict Calvert and Daniel Dulany Esq..rs are sent to acquaint
the Speaker, that His Excellency requires his Attendance, with the
Lower House, Immediately.
The Lower House attend, with their Speaker, and his Excellency
is pleased to make the following Speech
Gentlemen of both Houses of Assembly
I need not, I flatter myself, at this time assure you, that it is my
Desire, on all Occasions, to act agreeably to your Inclinations, and
that it is the Heighth of my Ambition to merit your good Opinion,
together with the Approbation of those from whom I derive my
As the Intimation which you, Gentlemen of the Lower House
were pleased to give me, when you were last Convened, left me no
room to doubt, but you would be glad to meet again at this Season.
I resolved to gratify you, and as I persuade Myself you will all
endeavour to improve the good understanding, that Subsisted be-
tween the two Houses, during the last Session, I have the highest
Expectations, that this will be productive of much good to the
Province, and make the County ample amends for the expence at-
tending it.
Having received, from His Majestys Ministers, Copies of several
Acts of Parliament, that were lately made in Great Britain for the
peculiar Advantage of the Colonies, and are so many Evidences of