Samuel S Smith
Samuel Griffeth
Alex.r McComas
Elijah Beck
Sol.m McComas
Charles Beck
John McComas Son Dan.l
Tho.s Durben
William Wilson Ju.r
Gerrard Hopkins
Jn° Browne Sadler
William Johnson
Aquila Duley
Wm Webb
William Boardsman
Josias W.m Dallam
John Willmott
David Davis
John Gardner
Fran.! Holland
John McGay
James X Quinlin
Samel Gallion
dines Cain
Clothworthy Cuningham
James McCermak
Joseph Stiles
Thos. Ross
James Mathews
Charles Vashon
Thomas T Smithson
James Dickson
Edwd. Ward Jun.
Benadict Legoe
James Kennedy
William Scott
Jn.o McLane
Nath.l Smith
Thomas Wilson
Francis Leeshody
James Gallion Sen.r
Thomas Hill
Alexander Hanna
henry M°Bride
John Cretin
Archd Johnson
Samalt Welborn
John Johnson
David Durham
Ralph Smith
Henry Ruff
James Yoe
John Bennet
Robert Stephenson
Peter Bennet
Samll X Smith
Joseph Buley
Jonathan Starkey
Daniel Carlin
W.m Bond
John Lusby
George Knotts mark
Benj Green
Ephraim Knotts mark
Benj.a Thomas
Solomon Brown
Will.m Hollis
Ralph Smith Juner
Grafton Preston
Henry Smith
Tho.s Bond
John Moore [65]
Aq.l Paca
[This petition of sixty five names is endorsed on the back:]
By the Upper House of Assembly 6th June, 1768. Read & referred
to the Consideration of the Lower House of Assembly.
Signed by Order U. Scott Cl. Up. Ho.